McCann-Healey Funeral Home Offering Two New Programs
Saturday, October 18, 2008
By Albert Countryman Jr.
Gloucester City News
Human beings living in unison with Planet Earth and concerns about global
warming are topics and issues now discussed around the world.
Here in Gloucester City, McCann-Healey Funeral Home is taking action by introducing its new "Dust to Dust" Earth-Friendly Funeral Service.
"We have recognized that clients are environmentally conscious concerning death care," said Manager and Funeral Director John A. Healey IV.
"We use biodegradable wooden caskets, reusable rental caskets for viewings before cremations, and we limit chemical use in preparation," Healey said.
"We are trying to meet our clients' needs and wants. Baby Boomers are extremely environmentally conscious and Earth friendly," said Healey, adding that the use of plastic, vinyl, marble/ceramic and semi-precious metals is discouraged.
According to the mission statement of "Dust to Dust," the program is designed to: "Return our earthly remains to Mother Nature as intended. The program is carbon-footprint conscious, while adhering to the strictest environmental standards.
"We protect Mother Earth while honoring memories, acknowledging grief, initiating closure and beginning the journey to heal with dignity and respect for a life lived and remembered."
Besides this new program, McCann-Healey Funeral Home has also linked up to a nationwide program offering services to United States veterans.
Veterans Funeral Care was started in 2000 by Jim Rudolph of Florida, a veteran of the Vietnam War.
"It is a foundation to help veterans and their families when it comes to funeral services," Healey said. "It is available to all those who served in the military."
Healey said the funeral home will help spouses and relatives apply for VA benefits, help with Veterans Life Insurance, and arrange all military honors.
McCann-Healey has signed on as the New Jersey representative to this national program, which now includes 40 of the 50 states, he said.
"We want to make sure the veterans get what they are entitled to for proudly serving our country," Healey said.
"Our veterans have given so much for our freedom. They need to be aware of their benefits, and our program will assist in this process," Healey said.
"These two programs will better serve our community in these ever-changing times we live," he added.
Anyone interested in either of these programs, or to schedule a free, pre-arrangement consultation, can call the McCann-Funeral Home at 456-1142.