Gloucester City Government Caucus Meeting Agenda
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Thursday, October 16 2008 7:00 P.M.
313 Monmouth Street
- Call to Order:
- Pledge of Allegiance:
3. Roll Call:
4. Sunshine Law: This meeting is being held in conformance with the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act, otherwise known as the "Sunshine Law". It has been legally noticed in accordance with the law and copies have been given to those requesting the same.
5. Public Comment Period: The Governing Body, in accordance with P.L. 2002, c. 80, have adopted the following guidelines relative to the Public Comment Period (PCP) at Caucus, Worksession, Special and Emergency Meetings of the Mayor and Common Council of Gloucester City: The PCP shall occur at the beginning of each meeting; it shall be no longer than one half-hour in length; every person wishing to speak may do so once during the period for no longer than five minutes. No changes have been made for the PCP of the regular monthly meetings.
6. Minutes of the Previous Meeting(s): September 25, October 6 (pending)
7. Reports: I. Committees of Council:
- Celebrations
b) Finance & Administration
c) Fire
- Housing
- Licensing
- Police
g) Public Works
8. Resolutions:
R258 To Amend Capital Budget
R259 Making Adjustments to Tax Records
R260 Authorizing Senior and Veterans Deductions
R261 Correcting Billing Charges on Utility Records
R262 Returning OverPayments on Various Utility Records
R263 Authorizing Cancellation of Taxes for Property Used for Public Playground Block 276, Lot 1.01, Walnut Avenue
R264 Authorizing Adjustments on the Planning and Zoning Board Escrow Accounts
R265 Authorizing Refunds on the Planning and Zoning Board Escrow Accounts
R266 Authorizing a Person-to-Person Transfer of Plenary Retail Consumption Liquor License 0414-33-008-007 (Dawbreigh Tavern)
R267 Authorizing Refund of Certificate of Occupancy Inspection Fee
R268 Authorizing Refund of Permit Fee
R269 Awarding a Contract with Cricket Communications, Inc.
R270 Authorizing Refund of Key Deposit for Gloucester City Marina
R271 Authorizing Approval of Interlocal Services Agreement (snow removal)
R272 Designating Handicapped Parking Spaces: Adding 317 Morris Street
9. Ordinances:
For first reading this evening with second reading and public hearing to be held on November 3, 2008:
O21 Bond Ordinance Authorizing Supplemental Funding for the Replacement of the Water Treatment Plant in the City of Gloucester City; Appropriating the Sum of $1,500,000 Therefor; Authorizing the Issuance of General Obligation Bonds or Bond Anticipation Notes of the City of Gloucester City, County of Camden, New Jersey in the Aggregate Principal Amount of Up to $1,425,000; Making Certain Determinations and Covenants; and Authorizing Certain Related Actions in Connection with the Foregoing
for second reading and public hearing to be held on October 23, 2008
O19 Amending Chapter 66Aof the Code of Gloucester City Entitled Public
Facilities User Fees
O20 Authorizing the Sale of Certain City Owned Properties by the City of Gloucester City, County of Camden, State of New Jersey
10. Old Business:
11. New Business:
12. Communications:
a) Welsbach Progress Report
b) Notice of Hearing – D & G Stallwood Planning Board Hearing October 15, 2008
c) From Dept. of Transportation – vacation of Cumberland Street
d) From NJLM – COAH Challenge Update
13. Round Table:
14. Closed Session: Resolution #R -2008 to enter into closed session for discussion of:
15. Adjournment