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O’Donnell’s Restaurant Serving the public 85 Years

By Albert Countryman Jr.

GLOUCESTER CITY NJ Life goes by so quickly – and technology changes so rapidly – it can be a struggle just to keep pace.  In our instant gratification society, where hi-speed computers and split second Logo_textlogob decisions are valued, people tend to forget the simple pleasures of life.

  Yet, for 85 years and counting, Gloucester City residents have enjoyed the simple pleasure of a great meal at O'Donnell's Restaurant.

  Boxing legend "KO" Joe O'Donnell, onetime light-weight "Champion of the World," first opened the doors of O'Donnell's in 1923.

  His legacy of quality food and a family atmosphere has continued.

  This year, owner Nick Ekimoglou and his loyal staff are celebrating the 85th Anniversary of the restaurant.

  "O'Donnell's is a tradition in Gloucester City, and we want to keep it going. Families and residents come in here and feel comfortable. We host every type of family party, including christenings, First Communions, birthdays and anniversaries," said longtime server Cecilia Webber.

  She said that she has traveled to New Orleans and Las Vegas, and people there recognized her O'Donnell's shirt and knew about the restaurant.

  "O'Donnell's is a Gloucester place. It has been open every day since 1923. All generations come here and mingle," said Bill Roach, who has updated the restaurant's website. The address is:

  Roach said the restaurant was owned by the O'Donnell family until 1990, when it was purchased by Ekimoglou.

  "A family can go out to eat, feel comfortable, and have a great meal at a reasonable price," Roach said.

  Grace Cooney, a server for more than 20 years, said Ekimoglou has been wonderful about supporting Gloucester City.

  "He has sponsored soccer teams, baseball teams, and helps anyone out who needs a hand," she said.

  "Nick's a great guy. He will do anything for you. He is a great family man, and he is good to his customers," said Helen Turing.

  "It's all like family here," said Pat Powell, a server for 18 years. "Nick treats us like family."

  "It is a family atmosphere here. We love Gloucester City," Ekimoglou said.

  This week O'Donnell's is introducing its White Plate Menu, featuring the Gloucester Beach Seafood of the Day, Fort Nassau Chicken and Dave's London Broil.

  Also, it will continue with its moderately priced dinner specials.

  O'Donnell's has been a tradition in Gloucester City for 85 years, and the owner and staff hopes it continues for another 85 years.


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