NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

New Jersey Army National Guard completes training
Scott Baker, age 33, died August 16th, Salem County Nursing Home

The Chuckle for the Day by Father Dunphy

Every Sunday God would look down from heaven and see some men Cid_00be01c81fb293db1f306c7e53d8you riding around on this green patch of grass chasing a little white ball.

This one Sunday he says to Saint Peter, “Come on Peter let’s see what this is all about”.

They pick up a bag a clubs and some golf balls at the club house and proceed out onto the greens.

At Hole 7, there is a large pond, 275 yards to the pin. Jesus chooses a 7 Iron and proceeds to tee up when Peter says, “God you are going to need a bigger club then that to reach the green”.

Jesus: “I been watching this guy Tiger Woods and this is what he uses on this Hole”.

He tees off and plop the ball goes into the water.

Jesus throws the club down on the ground and walks out across the lake to retrieve his ball.

Another golfer coming along the fairways sees this and says to Peter, “Who does that guy think he is, Jesus Christ?”

Peter: “No that isn’t the problem he imagines that he is Tiger Woods.

Story by Father Dunphy, Sacred Heart Parish, Mt. Ephraim

Related: More Chuckles
