Gloucester City Council Agenda for Caucus Meeting
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008 7:00 P.M.
313 Monmouth Street
- Call to Order:
- Pledge of Allegiance:
3. Roll Call:
4. Sunshine Law: This meeting is being held in conformance with the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act, otherwise known as the "Sunshine Law". It has been legally noticed in accordance with the law and copies have been given to those requesting the same.
5. Public Comment Period: The Governing Body, in accordance with P.L. 2002, c. 80, have adopted the following guidelines relative to the Public Comment Period (PCP) at Caucus, Worksession, Special and Emergency Meetings of the Mayor and Common Council of Gloucester City: The PCP shall occur at the beginning of each meeting; it shall be no longer than one half-hour in length; every person wishing to speak may do so once during the period for no longer than five minutes. No changes have been made for the PCP of the regular monthly meetings.
6. Presentation – Dominique Hawkins, Preservation Design Partnership – discussion of design guidelines
6. Minutes of the Previous Meeting(s): July 7, July 17, July 24, August 4, 2008 (pending)
7. Reports: I. Departmental Reports
II. Committees of Council:
- Celebrations
b) Finance & Administration
c) Fire
- Housing
- Licensing
- Police
g) Public Works
8. Licenses: None
9. Resolutions:
R212 To Correct Billing Charges on Utility Records
R213 Authorizing Senior and Veterans Deductions
R214 Making Adjustments to Tax Records
R215 Authorizing Subordination of Mortgage Held by the City of Gloucester City to Secure Housing Rehabilitation Loan
R216 Authorizing the Bidding for the Lease of Space for Placement of Telecommunications Antennae and Related Equipment
R217 Authorizing the Sale at Public Auction of City-Owned Equipment
R218 Authorizing Execution of a Professional Services Contract with Keating Environmental Services, Inc.
10. Ordinances:
for second reading and public hearing this evening:
O13 Amending the Gloucester City Development Ordinance to Provide for Guidelines for Various Maintenance, Improvements and Historic
For second reading and public hearing to be held on August 28, 2008:
O16 An Ordinance Granting Renewal of Municipal Consent to Comcast of Wildwood, LLC to Construct, Connect, Operate and Maintain a Cable Television and Communications System in the City of Gloucester City, New Jersey
O17 Amending the City Code of Gloucester City Entitled Public Facilities User Fees
11. Old Business:
a) Handicapped Parking Spaces: 236 Third St., 304 Hunter St., 718 Division St.
b) League Conference Hotel Reservations and Registration – November 18-21
12. New Business:
13. Communications:
a) Welsbach Progress Report
b) From Philly Pretzel Factory – request for 3 – 15 minute parking spaces on Broadway
c) From Camden County Board of Chosen Freeholders – Ethics Training Sept. 17th 9-11 a.m. Camden County Boathouse
d) From Robert E. Lee, Heroes to Hero Race – request for banners Sept. 15th – Oct. 11th
e) From residents of Powell Street – complaint regarding Pedrick's property
f) From Township of North Brunswick – Resolution Urging NJ State Legislature to Enact Legislation Allowing Municipalities to Opt Out of Civil Service System
g) From Division of ABC – Order Denying Relief – Dooley's Inc.
h) From Chase Technologies – Proposal for website design, etc.
i) From Anthony Parisi to Board of Health – unsafe conditions as Chatham Square
j) From Cody Banks – Operation Run for the Fallen August 24th 12 noon CG Base
14. Round Table:
15. Closed Session: Resolution #R -2008 to enter into closed session for discussion of:
16. Adjournment