NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Grand Opening of The Philly Pretzel Factory
Pentagon Sept. 11 Memorial: A Place to ‘Remember, Reflect, Renew’

Brooklawn Post 72 Remembrance Ceremony Sept. 11

 The Brooklawn American Legion Post #72 in conjunction with the Council, the Clergy, and the emergency personnel in Brooklawn, will conduct a 9-11 Remembrance Ceremony Thursday, September 11 at 7 p.m. at the Brooklawn United Methodist Church, located at Maude and Hannevig Avenues.

    The Ceremony will honor victims of the attack on the World Trade Center, Pentagon, airline flight takeover and the American Military service personnel who have died in the battle against terrorism while other members of the service continue to fight.

    Brooklawn Memorial Post #72 invites the families of those who have a member of their family serving active duty, no matter where they are stationed, as they are part of America's war on terrorism, all family members of the emergency personnel, and the readers of this blog to come and participate in this ceremony.

