The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly for July
Monday, July 21, 2008
Bill’s Point of View:
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed individuals can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." —Margaret Mead...
Correction: The Gloucester City School District over the past three months has placed legal notices in the Gloucester City News. However, according to Albert Countryman, Publisher of The NEWS, there have been no advertisements for Help Wanted placed in the paper from the School District over that time period.
JEER-We have heard a number of complaints against the Gloucester City Board of Education/School District for not hiring local residents recently for teaching positions and other jobs. To add insult to injury the legal notices/ads for the jobs have not been placed in the local newspaper. In fact, according to the publisher Albert Countryman The Gloucester City News hasn’t received any Help Wanted ads from the School District in over three months.
CHEER-The Gloucester City Police Department was able to save taxpayers several thousand dollars by brokering a deal with Rontan and Atlas Flasher to supply emergency lights on a new police car in return for allowing them to show the car at the Atlantic City Police and Security Expo. Kudos to Chief Crothers and everyone else involved in making this deal. It would be nice if more departments would follow their lead.
JEER-To the Brooklawn Board of Education for not renewing John Waszewski's contract. Linda Doherty, a Brooklawn resident writes, “In my opinion he was a valuable asset to the Brooklawn School. He was a person that knew all the children that attended the school by name. He would also help out when needed and was always very friendly. I feel the Board made a big mistake by not renewing his contract. I feel they will not be able to replace a person like him. He will be missed!”
JEER to all the fire trucks in the July 4th parade in Gloucester City and elsewhere for blowing their sirens and horns nonstop and making every kid and some adults hold their ears in pain. The parade was great up until that point!
CHEER-The woman who works evening security at Proprietor's Park (Gloucester City) deserves many cheers. Joe Gorman writes, “She has the unenviable task of asking dozens of people, most of whom are in the middle of doing something enjoyable, to leave the park at dusk each evening. Before she closes the park, she spends a good hour or so every night cleaning up every piece of litter and debris that was left at the park that day. How many people go above and beyond their job duties like this? She is a blessing to this city”.
KUDOS to Gloucester City Councilman Bill Hagan. The front part of the fire house looks great. It’s a wonderful improvement to Nicholson Road and our City.
CHEER-Thank you Pat and Sis from Mercer St. and Bob Bevan (Community Relations Officer) for persevering and getting a street light placed on Filmore Ave. between Mercer and Morris Sts. Of course, now it's so bright at night none of us can sleep! Submitted by “Saucer-Eyed”
CHEER-Congratulations to Cpl. Raymond McIntyre Jr., who recently retired from the police department. “Thank you for all years of service to the people of Brooklawn”. From your friends, family and residents.
CHEER-Pat Murphy was recently appointed Athletic Director at Gloucester Catholic High School. Congratulations Pat and Good Luck in your new job.
THE UGLY-The Monmouth Street Business District is slowly dying. After 25 years RxD Pharmacy, 525 Monmouth Street has closed its doors. Across the street from the former pharmacy are two more vacant buildings that have been empty for some time. Take a drive through the City and you will find more vacant stores. Residents can only blame themselves for the decline in the places to shop in our community. We need to think twice before heading to the Mall. Ask yourself; can I buy that item in town? “Stop the exodus, Shop Local”.
If you have a Cheer or Jeer for next month’s column submit to [email protected]. It would be nice if you included your name but it is not necessary.
~ Article written by Bill Cleary
Related: Bills Point of View ....................................................Related: Bill's Tips and Snippets