Woodbury Kiwanis Name HOBY Ambassadors
Friday, June 20, 2008
The Kiwanis Club of Woodbury has announced Hugh O'Brian Youth (HOBY)
Ambassadors from area high schools chosen to attend the HOBY Foundation
Leadership Seminar.
Sophomores sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Woodbury include Brittany Van Natta, West Deptford High School; Dominic DeLaurentis, Clearview Regional High School; Victoria McLeester, Gateway Regional High School and Dale Davis, Woodbury High School.
In 1976, Kiwanis clubs began sponsoring student attendance at three-day weekend Hugh O'Brian Youth (HOBY) Leadership Seminars. These students, limited to one sophomore per high school, are selected by the school administrators because of their demonstrated leadership potential.
Once a school identifies the student, Kiwanis Club of Woodbury pays the sponsorship fee which includes the student's housing, meals and other related seminar costs. In addition, Kiwanis honors the students at a club meeting.
HOBY's goal has been to seek out, recognize and develop leadership
potential commencing with high school sophomores. One of HOBY's
missions is to stimulate these young ambassadors to demonstrate their
leadership abilities when they return home for the betterment of their
community and country.