Wednesday's Tips and Snippets by Bill
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Update: I have been
able to view part of the email correspondence between Gloucester City
Administrator Paul Kain and
Councilman Nick Marchese, City Council Finance
Chairman. If you recall it was one of the Hot Topics of discussion among
readers of ClearysNotebook in the past week. When Mayor Bill James was asked
about a conflict between the Finance Chairman and the City Administrator, the
mayor said that
the City was in the midst of contract negotiations with Kain. “There are times
when things become heated and that is to be expected.”
After reading one page it is evident that there is more going on than just heated contract talks. It is my opinion that two important people involved in the everyday workings of City government are at odds with one another. And have different notions on how the City should be operated.
Councilman Marchese on
June 6 via E-mail had asked Administrator Kain if his report was available on
the meeting held a week before about the Freedom Pier development at the former
Coast Guard Base. Kain sent a “curt” response via E-mail the following day to
Councilman Marchese. And also to members of council, the deputy clerk Kathy
Jentsch, Gina Dunphy UEZ office, Police Chief William Crothers, Frank Robertson
and Bowie Johnson at the public works department.
Plus a CC: was sent
to Fire Chief Brian Hagan, Joe Stecklair, Housing inspector, Joanne Marone, tax
collector, Robert Saunders at a cooper hospital E-mail address, John Dymond,
tax assessor and to the Community Office. Also the E-mail was sent to a person
with the E-mail address of Gorman-Kain, and to a person with the E-mail address
of James Ferry
I will be releasing
more information about the E-mail later in the week.
In the meantime the
Blog: has an article about Governor
Corzine's E-mail Fiasco: A Profound Lack of Judgment?
Governor Corzine's refusal to release e-mails exchanged with Carla Katz, head
of the CWA, despite a Court Order to do so, is troubling. The Governor is
claiming executive privilege and, although he continues to fight the Court
Order, he recently acknowledged that because of his upcoming battle for
re-election, he may accede to the Court’s wishes and release the e-mails. State
Republican Chairman Tom Wilson had requested the communications soon after the
CWA and the Governor’s Office came to agreement regarding a new contract last
year. In May, Superior Court Judge Paul Innes decided that the e-mails
constituted public information and ordered them released. While the Governor is
concerned that his refusal to turn over the e-mails will be an issue when he
runs for re-election, he is missing the bigger picture: his lack of judgment
regarding the exchange of the e-mails in the first place.
Click on the link below to read the full column...
Avenue Dog still up for Adoption...
Bill, Remember the dog I finally caught on Miller Avenue in January?
Well she is still up for adoption. Many people were so concerned about
her so would you post this....maybe someone would be interested.
Joyce Moyer
for the JEER to the City’s Parking Enforcement Officer for giving my
granddaughter a parking ticket for blocking the sidewalk. The car bumper was
over handing the sidewalk but there was still room for people to walk.
person commented,
The same thing happened to my husband and I
two separate times.
time my husband was parked in our driveway with his truck (our car was parked
there also because he was driving away and forgot something inside the
house. His truck bed was over the sidewalk but not in the street.
The sidewalk was blocked but there was plenty of room to walk on the lip of the
driveway without going into the street. The enforcement officer gave
us a ticket anyway.
Another time, our daughter brought our grandsons to our house and my husband told her to pull the van in the driveway because 1) it was sweeper day; and 2) we don't like our daughters to get the kids out of their cars on Powell Street. People travel much too fast on Powell. She got a ticket.
If you have a Tip or Snippet to share send to [email protected]