The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Monday, June 23, 2008
Point of View:
Congratulations to The Reverend Monsignor Michael Doyle, who celebrated his 40th
anniversary earlier this month (June 15th)
as pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in South Camden, N.J. A film Poet of Poverty based on the writings of Monsignor Doyle and narrated by actor Martin Sheen will be shown Friday, June 27, at Sacred Heart Parish. The story is about urban problems and Christian hope.
Tickets are $20. For more information contact
Helene Pierson, executive director of Heart of Camden, 856-966-1212 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 856-966-1212 end_of_the_skype_highlighting ext. 22 or
go to
- · CHEERS: The Brooklawn Board of Education
and the Brooklawn Board of Education signed an Inter Local Service agreement
this past week. It is nice to see the two governing bodies working together to
save the taxpayers money.
- · Cheers: John Buddendorf,
owner of Laundrymaxx public Laundromat located at the corner of N. Broadway and
Mercer St., Gloucester City. The Laundromat caught fire on Friday afternoon,
June 13. John and company worked feverishly all weekend and had the Laundromat
reopened two days later on Sunday morning June 15, 08. His hard work
is appreciated by the people in the neighborhood, especially those without
- · CHEERS: To the Borough of
Brooklawn for cleaning up the river embankment along New Broadway. A nice
improvement from what it was. Instead of weeds and overgrowth those who are
traveling home from work actually have a nice waterfront view while they wait
for their turn to drive around the traffic circle.
- · CHEERS: John Hindsley, past
Commander of American Legion Post 135 writes, “A Big Salute to the residents of
The 800 and 900 blocks of Monmouth Street for the number of American Flags on
display. This is year around, not just holidays !!! All the flags are in
good shape, too. I wish more Americans would display "Old
Glory" as well. Remember, please replace any flag that is faded, ripped,
or torn. You may turn them into your nearest American Legion or VFW for proper
- · JEERS: My granddaughter Brandie writes, “Pop
Pop I am very upset with the person who writes parking tickets for the City.
Today was sweeper day on Rutgers Avenue. Even though I was parked in our
driveway, I received a ticket because my car bumper was over hanging on part of
the sidewalk. The ticket was for blocking the sidewalk. I don’t think it is
fair that this person would give me a ticket for such a minor infraction. We
have three cars we squeeze into the driveway every day since there is no place
to park on our street.
(One side of the street is no parking
all the time. On sweeper day there is no parking on either side).
“Where does the City expect me to park my vehicle
if not in my driveway? Therefore I am asking you to give a BIG THUMBS DOWN to the City’s Parking Enforcement Officer.”
ClearysNoteBook is preparing our July Cheer and
Jeer column (s) also known as The
Good, The Bad and The Ugly. If you have anyone/anything that you feel deserves a Cheer or a Jeer
now is the time to speak up. To read more stories:
Send your remarks to B[email protected].