Friday, June 20, 2008

National Park Elementary School has announced "Students of the Month" for the month of May. Students were selected for the Character Education trait of self-discipline.
In the bottom row are William Ahrens, Moriah Amerman, Nicolete Taylor, Shianne Sunderhauf, Nick Ponto, Sabrina Haswell, Erin Fogarty and Gavin Alloway.
In the middle row are Matthew Vargas, Anthony Tredway, Gianna Ellis, Jada Hayes, Lauren Myers, Corey Brown, Chris Bailey and Marie McKee.
In the top row are Daniel Teschko, Lana Valente, Chelsea Parker, John Otto, Rachel Flynn, Jessica Lawson and Matthew Spissell. Not shown are Drew Ziegler, Mya Padulese and Dominic Saccomanno.