NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Obit: VOLL (RAUCHUT) Lillian M., age 79, of Gloucester City NJ
Woodbury Kiwanis Name HOBY Ambassadors

Hunting and Fishing: Dr. Jim and Robin Doster Taking Sometime to Unwind

Long20lake20me20074 Dr. Jim Doster, pastor of the Lighthouse Baptist Church, Gloucester City and his lovely wife, Robin recently visited Long Lake Camps in Princeton, Maine. 

Long Lake is located in Washington County’s Quoddy Loop Region and is a two-hour drive northeast of Bangor, Maine.

Robin is shown here with a nice stringer of Chain Pickerel. While
Pastor Jim proudly displays a 15 1/2 Small Mouth Bass.



The Camps are on a private 40 acre peninsula (Rolfe Point) surrounded entirely by woods and water. Long Lake is part of a huge watershed which includes Long Lake, Big Lake, Lewey Lake, West Grand Lake, Grand Lake Stream, the Grand Falls Flowage and the St. Croix River.

They have 13 cabins which are made from native Maine cedar logs and are locatedLong20lake20me20101 along the shoreline. All the cabins are clean, cozy and comfortably furnished with the amenities of wood stoves, electricity, and full baths with showers.

Many of the cabins have full kitchens to accommodate doing your own housekeeping or if you want the American Plan you can enjoy delicious meals, and lodging.

Readers are invited to send fishing reports and photos to [email protected]

Read more about Long Lake Camps

Related: Hunting and Fishing

