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Gloucester City Adult Summer league Preview for JUNE 30th games

        Written by THE TRUTH

6:15 games

    OH  Hara’s ( Purple team)    +15            Dog House Pub (Baby Blue)

    The purple team will be looking for their first win Johnson_blvd_hoops_june_29_2008_096 of the year against the Baby Blue team. Baby blue comes off a tough lost last night to the red team. My thoughts are when Kenny “Sauce”Jones gets one of his dunks to drop, the baby blue team will go on a big winning streak.. Purple team sharp shooter Earl”The Pearl”Moore needs to learn that the object of the game is to put the ball in the basketball. I expect the baby blue team to have no problem.

    Crew Cuts (Red)    +4            Jacks Twin Bar (Blue)

So far this season Liam “little hawker” James has been playing great. He will be guarded by Ryan “Game 7"Chiodi who is known for his suffocating defense. If the red team can hit their shots and stay out of foul trouble, this could be the game of the night.

7:15 games

NY  Style Pizza (Lime Green)    +12            Gloucester Liquors(Orange)

The orange team comes off an upset victory last night against the dark green team. Erik “Never seen a shot he hasn’t liked” Quiksell was a big factor down the stretch.  But the news that shocked everyone was that Dave Light hit the rim on a shot. First time all year that has happen. For the lime green team to stay close, they need Gordy “Rambo” Burrows to step up and hit some shots

    Sal &Pats (Dark Green)    +2            Schileens Pub (Grey)

Dark Green team loss a close one last night and look to rebound against the Basketball grey team. My feeling is that the dark green team should of picked up Jimmy Chitwood. He could be the missing piece the dark green team needs. I expect for the grey team general manager Rob St. John to draw up some good plays to attack the man to man defense of the dark green team.

8:15 games

    Caps Café (Teal team)        even        Highland Tavern B (Maroon team

        This game will come down to who can score more then 10 points.

    The games are played down Johnson Blvd Sunday and Monday nights starting at 6:15. Come down have a few laughs and support the league and the sponsors.

Related: Preview for June 29th games..........Related: See Photo Album 
