NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Rams Alumni Larry Rudnicki, Class of 1965, Has Died
Gloucester City: From a backyard Basketball Court to Commissioner of the Altantic 10

Gloucester City: Business Association Meeting Minutes

May 27, 2008, Caps, 5;30 pm

President Stallwood opened meeting

No Secretary's Report. Will include in June General meeting.

Treasurers Report- Current Balance $ 2094.32. Motion to accept MacAdams. Second Berglund

Special Event Updates-

Catfish Tournament- Lower turnout than 2007. 29 boats entered tournament. Next year we will coordinate with other tournaments and coop advertising. The Business Association will be reimbursed thru the UEZ.

Golf Tournament- This year's event was larger and well received.

Car Show- June 28, 2008- WZLT radio, Vineland will participate in this year's event and will air a 3 hour live radio event at the show. The street banners are in and vendors are being assembled.


Stallwood introduced and new business owner to the Association. Mr. Keith Meyer, who is a partner in the new Flagship VI that has moored in Gloucester City. Flagship VI will run a charter business on the Delaware River. The ship holds 150 people and can be used for parties, fundraisers, entertainment. It was suggested that the Associations June General meeting might be held on the Flagship VI.

Stallwood spoke about Commerce Banks approval from the recent Planning board meeting. The preliminary and final for the site has been approved.

The Broadway Redevelopment Committee will start a smaller version of a business improvement district with participating businesses made up from the Broadway/Monmouth business corridor. Mr. Stallwood had indicated that each business would expect to pay about $ 360.00 per year to participate in the program.

Nelson Haakensen spoke about the King Street Corridor and that their committee was formed about one month ago and is meeting regularly. He also mentioned that the King Street corridor would also like to participate in the potential parking study that the Broadway/Monmouth Corridor is interested in doing.

Lt. Berglund ,Gloucester City Police, indicated that a number of local businesses have had break-ins.

With the escalation of crime in all communities Lt. Berglund suggested that a Reward Fund be established to help police get information to solve these crimes and to bring justice to those who just don't get it ! The canines are doing well and are very busy these days. They are also working in other communities when called upon. Berglund also indicated that there is an increase in the theft of metals from bikes, to copper out of homes.

Councilman Marchese spoke about the great turnout on Memorial Day this year which included the traditional cemetery and memorial services, and this year the city brought back the traditional parade and launching of the boat in the Delaware River. Nick thanked the GCBA for their help with the Catfish Tournament. Nick also discussed the update for the Freedom Pier project. Councilman Hutchinson indicated that the Freedom Pier project will also go green.

Howard Clark, UEZ Director gave the Association updates on recent activities and projects that took place in the UEZ office in the month on May. He also indicated that the state has approved 2 planned projects for Gloucester City.$ 154,178 for the Rock N Roll Revival, including the King Street Cruise and drive in movie in Proprietors park, the 2008 Shamrock Festival, The 2009 Catfish Tournament and the 2009 St. Patrick's Day Parade. In addition $ 90,000 to continue the current JGSC contract for business retention and recruitment programs. Clark also listed the new businesses that he has been speaking with who wish to relocate their businesses in the City of Gloucester. The City's website has been updated and expanded upon, especially in known UEZ zoned commercial and retail properties. Certifications and re certifications for the program are done on a daily basis. Q & A.

Networking and refreshment session.

Meeting adjourned. 
