Gloucester City: Rock and Roll Revival Underway
Saturday, June 21, 2008
PHOTO: Volunteer Todd Blaylock, of Gloucester City, is in charge of showing the public the entrance to The Beer Garden. You have to admit he does an excellent job of pointing.
The second day of Gloucester City’s Rock and Roll Revival weekend kicked off today Saturday at 11 AM. The Festival, which concludes tonight at 7 PM, is being held along Broadway from the corner of Broadway & Market to Cumberland Street. The Festival features ALL DAY entertainment — car show, dance off, children’s entertainment, craft and food vendors, a beer garden, and more.
Photo: On hand to keep everything under control and safe
are members of Gloucester City's
finest police and fire departments.
beer garden is in front of Jack’s Twin Bar, Broadway and Market Street. There
is a cover charge of $5 and beer cost $3 a bottle.
Gloucester City Urban Enterprise Zone (UEZ) is sponsoring the event which cost the UEZ estimated
$50,000. This is the second year it has been held.
For more information view the Rock and Roll Revival website