NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Gloucester City: St. Mary’s 160th Anniversary Mass
Gloucester City High School Graduation of the Class of 2008

Gloucester City: June 20 & 21 -- Rock N Roll Revival


A two day event drawing in over thousands of people commemorating Gloucester City as the birthplace of Rock N Roll.

This historic milestone happened in the early 1950’s when the legendary Bill Haley and his then called Saddlemen, created the revolutionary new sound of Rock ‘N’ Roll at the Twin Bar, located at the corner of Market Street and Broadway. It was in Gloucester City, NJ that the band successfully introduced their unique “Rockabilly” sound, then an unfamiliar and strange mixture of “rhythm and blues” and “country and western” with a heavy back-beat, to create a new kind of music that would be called

Rock ‘N’ Roll.

Soon after this 18-month stint in Gloucester City and two months before Elvis recorded his first tune at Sun Records in Memphis, Haley and the Comets cut “Rock Around the Clock” and the rest is history.

This years event, sponsored by The Gloucester City Urban Enterprise Zone, will commemorate the 55th anniversary of “Crazy Man, Crazy,” the first Rock n’ Roll record to hit the Billboard charts.

Friday evening features events down by the Delaware River as Camden County hosts an outdoor oldies concert at Proprietors Park followed by 1950’s Car Cruise throughout the City. The evening will end with a Drive In Movie “American Graffiti” at the Coast Guard Base also along the waterfront.

Saturday’s event features two continuous entertainment stages on Broadway with LIVE rock n roll music from legendary rockers such as Gary US Bonds and Charlie Gracie as well as local favorites such as The Business, The Billy D. Light Trio, Tsunami Rising, Full Blown Cherry, The Marauders, Dibbs and the Detonators and the Lords of the Highway. The street festival also includes a car show, dance off, children’s entertainment, craft and food vendors, a beer garden, and more.

June 20, 2008

7:00 pm – "Love Affair" (oldies) playing @ Proprietor’s Park on King Street along the Delaware River. This concert is part of the Camden County On the Road Show.

Immediately follow concert – Car Cruise of 1950’s cars down King Street and throughout the City.

9:30 pm – FREE drive-in showing of American Grafitti [rated PG] @ Coast Guard Base at King Street & Somerset. Guests are also welcomed to bring blankets and lawnchairs to watch the movie.

June 21, 2008

11 am to 7 pm – Festival held along Broadway from the corner of Broadway & Market to Cumberland Street. The Festival features ALL DAY entertainment — car show, dance off, children’s entertainment, craft and food vendors, a beer garden, and more.

Click here for Rock-n-Roll Revival Website

