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Breaking News: New Assistant Hired for Gloucester City Administrator

010908_2217_breakingnew1 Following a 90 minute executive session Gloucester City Mayor and Council unanimously voted to hire a new employee to help City Administrator/Municipal Clerk Paul Kain. The vote came Thursday night after the city council meeting was adjourned.

The new employee is Lori Kraft of Gloucester City. The salary for the new position is not known.

Kain, who has been working without a contract since December 2006, has been asking for an assistant since the James administration took control in 2007. According to New Jersey by the Numbers Kain’s salary for his Gloucester City job is $90,000. The site shows that Kain also works part-time for a community in Washington Township for a salary of $13,543.

Total amount $104,047.

Note: Today, Friday, the Gloucester City News filed an OPRA request for a copy of the E-mail correspondence mentioned in the story link below.

Read more about Kain........All things City Administrator/administration 
