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Feather Regarding the column in the May 8, 2008 issue of the Gloucester City News with the heading, Breakfast Club Thrown a Curve

It has come to my attention that the owner of the Dining Car Depot along with some other people believe the story was factual.

To clear up any misunderstanding let me begin by saying Daisy Daily the author of the column is actually yours truly. Yes I am coming out. I will admit that I have written other columns using that pen name. And Daisy will no longer be writing for ClearysNoteBook (

Let me further state:

1. There was never a food fight at the Dining Car Depot. Nor did the members of the Breakfast Club ever partake in a food fight.

2. The restaurant was in fact closed on the day of our meeting. And had been closed for several days. The owner and his wife did have a new baby.

3. There is no such person as Flip Flap Jack.

4. As for the statement that some of the Geezers were carrying protest signs reading Power to the People. That was untrue.

5. As for the statement one of the Geezers took down his pants to show off a new style “Depends”….that didn’t happen either.

6. None of the elderly men fainted. Nor did any of them lie down to take a nap.

7. Lastly there is no one in the group named El Presidente Charlie.

For those who took it seriously, the story was fictitious. Definition of the word fictitious: (according to Roget’s Super Thesaurus) adverb-made up, imaginary, fabricated, concocted, untrue, unreal. 

The 40 plus members of the Breakfast Club were infuriated about not being told beforehand the restaurant would be closed on the day of their meeting. My intention for writing the article was to make light of the incident so those who were angry would see some humor in what occurred.

Related: Read the article

Related: Letter to the Editor

Related: All stories and photos pertaining to Breakfast Club


That’s how much spending auditors said was “unnecessary, excessive or lacking documentation” by Abbott school districts. Now, under normal circumstances, learning that the Plainfield school district tried to justify spending $504 on the ...
In The Lobby -


Re: Benefit for Karen Young

To be more specific on why people would sponsor a fundraiser, Karen's newest baby was just born and she was home on maternity leave when she lost her husband.  I believe that they did not have insurance because he had a pre-existing heart condition. She grew up in town and her mother-in-law is a teacher at Cold Springs School.  This is a VERY sad story!

Related: Bits and Tidbets
