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ClearysNoteBook and Daisy Daily Are Disgusting, Atrocious Reporters

  Daisy Daily (I'm sure is a pseudo name) should find another job. Newspaper reporting is not for her. After the ridiculous article ""Breakfast Club Thrown A Curve, Ends Up At Brunic's ."

I'm also concerned about ClearysNoteBook as well. Up to this point I thought it was an excellent addition to the NEWS.

The Dining Car Depot is one of my favorite restaurants, and Mustafa and his wife are wonderful, hard-working young adults. They have worked diligently to make this restaurant work-Mustafa is the owner, cook, janitor, server and whatever else he has to make his business friendly, comfortable and the food "excellent". His wife works by his side, but she has not had an easy time with this pregnancy-yes I said pregnancy, in other words "having a baby".

During the week of April 23 to Monday, April 28 the Dining Car Depot was closed. A sign on the door read "New Baby, will re-open on Tuesday, April 29. God blessed them with a beautiful baby girl-so Flip Flap Jerk doesn't know what he's talking about (it is evident that you made it up).

  You may think this article was funny, I don't. It's insulting to a fine young couple, who are trying to make a living. I don't even think the "Geezers" are funny.

Why in the world would adult people throw toast up and down the table? Didn't anyone ever teach them that you can "pass the plate of toast" How impressive is that to any children or young people in the restaurant to see "juveniles" throwing toast. Do you think that was a good example? Or maybe you think that's funny.

I think the "Geezers" should be upset with your article. Portraying these men as idiots who couldn't make a decision, who dropped their pants in public (lucky the police were not close by), who couldn't even find the exit to parking lot, and even worse didn't have the foggiest idea where to find the Brooklawn Diner is offensive.

  You owe the people at the Dining Car Depot an apology for your distasteful article.

Gerry Connor, Gloucester City

Related: A Clarification

Editors Note: The original headline was "Alleged Food Fight Comes Back to Haunt Breakfast Club"

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