Browning Ross Bob Kupcha 5 k run winners
Saturday, March 22, 2008
The Fourth Annual Browning Ross Bob Kupcha 5 k run held in Mount Ephraim earlier today (Saturday) was a big success.
According to Rams Cross Country Coach Jack Heath the coordinator of the race, "We had the best runners in the area run it today and the biggest turnout for us by far in the 5k race, walk and in the kids run."
The winners were: for the men- Dave Welsh, (the owner of Haddonfield running company) 31 years old 16:53 and for the women, Patty Addis-Hudson 42, won in 21:49.
"Personally it was great to see so many different Gloucester Catholic classes represented. We also got lucky with the weather," Heath said.
For a the list of winner click here