Gloucester City Mayor and Council Caucus Meeting Agenda
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
313 Monmouth Street
- Call to Order:
- Pledge of Allegiance:
3. Roll Call:
4. Sunshine Law: This meeting is being held in conformance with the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act, otherwise known as the "Sunshine Law". It has been legally noticed in accordance with the law and copies have been given to those requesting the same.
5. Public Comment Period: The Governing Body, in accordance with P.L. 2002, c. 80, have adopted the following guidelines relative to the Public Comment Period (PCP) at Caucus, Worksession, Special and Emergency Meetings of the Mayor and Common Council of Gloucester City: The PCP shall occur at the beginning of each meeting; it shall be no longer than one half-hour in length; every person wishing to speak may do so once during the period for no longer than five minutes. No changes have been made for the PCP of the regular monthly meetings.
6. Minutes of the Previous Meeting(s): February 21, 28, March 3 (pending)
7. Ordinances:
for second reading and public hearing this evening
O05 Bond Ordinance Authorizing the Financing of a Redevelopment Project in and for the City of Gloucester City; County of Camden, New Jersey; Appropriating the Sum of $4,350,000 Therefor; Authorizing the Issuance of General Obligation Bonds or Bond Anticipation Notes of the City of Gloucester City, County of Camden, New Jersey in the Aggregate Principal Amount of Up to $4,350,000; Making Certain Determinations and Covenants; and Authorizing Certain Related Actions in Connection with the Foregoing
8. Resolutions:
R090 Adopting Emergency Temporary Budget Appropriations
R091 Providing for Transfers of 2007 Reserved Budget Appropriations
R092 Authorizing Senior and Veterans Deductions
R093 Returning Over-Payments on Various Tax Records
R094 Correcting Billing Charges on Utility Records
R095 Awarding a Contract for 2008 Supply of Chemicals for the Environmental Utilities Department, Gloucester City, New Jersey
R096 Authorizing Refunds on the Planning and Zoning Board Application Fees
R097 Authorizing Refunds on the Planning and Zoning Board Escrow Accounts
R098 Authorizing the Sale at Public Auction of City Owned Vehicles
R099 Authorizing Change Order to the Contract Between G. Helmer Construction Co., Inc. and the City of Gloucester City for the Replacement of the Koehler Street Combined Sewer Railroad Crossing
R100 Authorizing Subordination of Mortgage Held by the City of Gloucester City to Secure Housing Rehabilitation Loan
R101 Introduction of the 2008 Municipal Budget for the City of Gloucester City
(This budget shall be advertised in summary form in the April 3, 2008 edition of the Gloucester City News and the Public Hearing for the same to be held at the regularly scheduled meeting of the Mayor and Common Council April 24, 2008 at 8:00 p.m. in the City Hall, 313 Monmouth Street, Gloucester City, NJ
9. Old Business:
10. New Business:
11. Communications:
a) From John and Kathy Buri – fire at 611 Hunter Street
b) From DEP - Welsbach
c) NJSLM Legislative Bulletin
d) From Chief Brian Hagan – placement of Ryan Walters to Gloucester City Fire Dept. as volunteer
e) Welsbach Progress Report
f) From Camden County Board of Freeholders – Breakfast Meeting April 17th a.m. Camden County Boathouse
12. Round Table:
13. Closed Session: Resolution #R -2008 to enter into closed session for discussion of:
14. Adjournment