NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

GCBA Meeting February 26th at Cap's
Margaret Davidson, of Westmont; a longtime waitress for the Crystal Lake & Newton Diners

Pet Tips by Allan: Topic Obese Dogs

Hey Bill ,

122907_0313_pettipsbyal1 Dog Quote: Man is an animal that makes bargains; no other animal does dog exchanges bones with another.
....Adam Smith


How much food does your dog really need?

Along with the general population of people, dogs are also suffering from obesity from eating the wrong food and eating too much food.

It is relatively easy to control the amount of
food your dog is eating and it is essential that
you gauge its weight on a regular basis to ensure
that it doesn't get obese.

Dogs can suffer from many different ailments due
to obesity including diabetes.

There are an increasing number of dogs suffering
from this disease and in most cases this could
have been avoided through the correct nutrition
and monitoring the amount of food the dog has been

Having a dog with diabetes will necessitate the
injection of insulin or in some cases taking of
pills to assist in the maintenance of the correct
sugar levels in their blood.

Obviously this involves additional expense and
inconvenience and there is also a danger that
should the insulin level be incorrect your pet
could die.

It makes sense then that your dog should only eat
what is good for it and in quantities that won't
result in it developing health problems later in

Working dogs will need more food for the energy
that they will expend in the course of the day but
a dog that lays around the house all day and
doesn't get any exercise will not need to eat the
same portions of food.

You should weigh your dog on a regular basis and
see whether it is gaining or losing weight and
adjust the amount of food it is eating

More Information:



Related: Pet Tips
