Letters: No Excuses, It is your duty and responsibility to Vote*
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
As a registered voter since 1981, I have lived in three municipalities in those years (Gloucester City, Collingswood and Brooklawn). I have never had a problem voting anywhere. The polling places have always been convenient and the people there have always been helpful. It is my cherished civic duty to vote and I always make the time to do so.
Polls open at 6AM and close at 8PM, so to those people who say they haven't the time to vote because of school or work, I say "Try harder!" Anything that is important to the individual is worth the rearranging of one's schedule. Elections are scheduled well in advance, so make a mental note to allow time to get to your polling place.
Your ability and right to vote is too important to dismiss because of work or school. You only vote once and it does not take very long. Many voting-age adults simply choose not to exercise their privilege to vote either through ignorance of the issues at hand or knowledge of the candidates or just plain laziness. I maintain no one is prevented from voting, neither throughout New Jersey nor the United States of America.
Michael Kazmar
Gloucester City, NJ