NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Mens Basketball: Rowan 68 TCNJ 62
Letters: Furrever Friends Shutting Down For Now Due To Brooklawn, NJ

Letters: I Despise the Politicians Using Gloucester City as a Dumping Ground!

January 23, 2008

Mr. Cleary:


As a long time Gloucester City resident, born and raised here, I was dismayed to see the largest utility poles I have ever seen placed on Broadway and Market Streets during the past week.  I would appreciate it if you would check into this situation since I have heard that PSE&G put up the new poles to provide additional electrical capacity to Cooper Hospital in Camden and to supply additional power to other towns. 


To add insult to injury, I believe Cooper plans to place all cables and electrical service under ground because it is new construction.  Gloucester City may be an older community but we should not be made to look like an industrial area and we certainly do not exist as the right of way for Camden's improvements.  If this is true, why has Gloucester City been made to look like an industrial area? 


Surely the utility would not have employed this strategy in Cherry Hill, Collingswood or Haddonfield!  If PSE&G plans to sell additional electrical capacity to other communities through the poles in our City, then let those cities get the 70 ft. poles lining their main streets. 


Lastly, if the lines are carrying a higher load, does this pose a health hazard, especially to our children in schools nearby off Market Street and Broadway?


Mr. Cleary, I would appreciate it if you would research this situation and make the public aware of what is going on through your blog on Cleary's Notebook and/or editorials in the Gloucester City News, as well as lobbying appropriate county and state representatives to stop this situation.


As you are also a lifetime resident of this city, I am sure that you do not want to see the city decline.  Since the roads that the poles are being placed on are County roads, has the County sold us down the river?  I despise the politicians using Gloucester City as a dumping ground for everything that no other city would accept. 


Signed a Disgusted Gloucester City Resident                  
