NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Local dog beats death, heads to Westminster*

Hunting & Fishing: Bow hunts lasting lot longer now


This 2007-08 hunting season is the best example I've ever seen as to why the trade was more than worth it. The reason: the bucks have only just begun to move 24-7 in search of does in estrus, and should continue to do so well into February.

The switch was really turned on last weekend by the snow/sleet/freezing weather/ice. Not only were the bucks on the move, but does, feral hogs and all sorts of other wild critters. I even made a rare daytime sighting of a huge bobcat on the move.

Though I'll not argue with wildlife biologists that the rut, or breeding season for deer, is determined by the number of hours of daylight, but I will argue until the cows come home that the weather has as much to do with deer movement as the number of daylight hours. I tell ya', until the nasty weather came south, I was afraid the rut would not start, though not more
