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Media Release

Young Musicians Combine From Four Districts


January 21, 2008- The fifth annual "Winter Festival Honors Band" concert was held on January 19th at Kershaw School in Mt. Ephraim. 

Fifty 5th and 6th grade students  were selected from 012508_2002_honorsbandh2 Mansion and Haviland Avenue Schools in Audubon; Kershaw School in Mt. Ephraim; Alice Costello School in Brooklawn and Atlantic, Glenview and Seventh Avenue Schools in Haddon Heights.   

Destinee Meeser a 6th grade flutist from Mt. Ephraim is mesmerized by the directions of one of the teachers. 

"She exemplifies the type of student we have in Honors Band- totally focused on learning music,” said Mary Manion, Instrumental Music, Mt. Ephraim Schools


Musicians are chosen based on their ability by their respective band directors, Susan Moore, Mary Manion, Eleanor Bracey and Jessica Horne.  The teachers meet in November to begin the planning process.

The music they selected covered a wide-range of styles including an Irish tune, patriotic melodies, a western, a classical Beethoven piece and even the 60's rock tune, "Doo Wah Diddy Diddy."

Students had fun learning their music which is distributed in late December. They then combine together in January in three rehearsals over a two-week period. 

They benefited from performing under new conductors and with their musically gifted peers. 

Friendships are made that carry over into high school. Many expressed the desire to have Honors Band all year and continue into 7th and 8th grade.



Band directors (L-R) Susan Moore, Eleanor Bracey, Jessica Horne and Mary Manion


