GLOUCESTER CITY: The Wandering "Miller Avenue Puppy" is now safe & warm
Saturday, January 26, 2008

Although this dog is very shy and was very frightened, she was not aggressive and I was able to handle her, surprisingly she actually climbed into my lap minutes after being caught.
Nancy Welsh from Almost Home came and picked her up then called stating the dog was licking her hands...amazing considering this dog was running from humans for months.
Many people became concerned and upset when they were told not to feed this dog but it was necessary so that I could be the sole contact and build a relationship with her. Once we fell into a routine, she began to trust me which allowed me to get her. With the help of many

If you want to help, contributions can be sent to the rescues that made this happen. I will give you updates in the upcoming weeks.
PO BOX 141
Almost Home Animal Shelter and Adoption CenterPromoting 'Purrfect' Matches and Lasting Adoptions Through Adoption Counseling |
Pennsauken Highway |