NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Gloucester City: Get what you want Right where you want it
Gloucester Catholic:Talented Dacierno left dreams on field

Letters: Hello from Germany!

Bill & Connie,

Dsc01150 Hello from GERMANY! Well after being delayed in Kuwait due to plane issues we finally flew out 2 days later and reached Rammstein Airbase at 7pm on 24 JAN 08.
From here we had a big formation and turned in all of our weapons and sensitive items and start to begin in processing stage. After about 2 hours in Rammstein
we took a 1 1/2hr bus ride to Hanau were we downloaded all of our rucksacks and gear and the soldiers signed for their rooms. After all was finished we marched
over to the Gym singing cadence and it was finally then when it all hit me that were HOME and everything we did and accomplished over the past 15 months. It's
sad that we lost (3) soldiers: SGT Horner (sniper fire), SPC Murchinson, and SPC Farrar (IED's/ EFP's) and they couldn't be here to celebrate and they had
their lives taken away defending our country and what we believe in.

I know I will never forget my fallen soldiers and thank everyone who prayed and my angels who showed mercy upon me and the rest of us that were allowed to
return home to our husbands and wives, mothers and fathers , sons and daughters. They paid the ultimate sacrifice that only a soldier can truly explain to
you not someone who's sitting back at home bad mouthing our government, our President, and our country and all its people who are out there that support our troops every day and the battle and struggles that they go thru on a daily basis in order to keep our world safe from terrorists and evil people.

Well now we are going thru what we call Re-integration which is 7 days of basically updating each soldier's entire medical, dental, finance, personal records. We have to go thru different agencies who help support the soldiers and any issues they might have or been thru such as Chaplain and mental health services for any traumatic experiences that each soldier have experience over the past 15 months. Once all this is completed I we get to take BLOCK LEAVE (Vacation).

My wife Renata and I are going to Thailand from the 4-15 February then I will be coming to New Jersey hopefully from the 17-27 February. From what I saw in
the links my wife emailed to me Thailand was really beautiful where were going. My younger brother Chris is expecting his first child with his fiancée Stephanie. I am looking forward to seeing my Pop Pop who always asks my Aunt Cass and Uncle Tom when I am coming home.  Everything else here is well and I hope all is well with you and your family.

Joseph Farley

Note: Joe was born and raised in Gloucester City and is a graduate of Gloucester City High School.

Related: Letters from Iraq
