NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

MT Ephraim: The Best Holiday Decorated House Winners for 2007

South Jersey Outdoors: Getting out of Dodge……

Monday, December 17, 2007   (Reprinted with permission of Doug Skinner )

Getting out of Dodge... 


Err, well, getting out of Jersey that is...

Yep, it's time for my annual southern migration to the sunshine state. There is something about visiting Florida in the winter that really helps recharge teh batteries for the beginning of the New Year.

While I'm down there, I'll be fishing, spending time on the beach with my wife, and hopefully taking a few day trips to some secluded areas like Cayo Costa State Park...It's a park that is only accessible by boat, be it private or ferry. If you are ever in the area it's definitely a site to see. A couple of charter trips are run by Captiva Cruises, and Tropic Star Cruises...It is worth the trip no matter how you get there.

As you can see from the photo, the beaches aren't crowded, the Gulf of Mexico is bright blue, and there are few places in Southwest Florida that are more relaxing.

Also, this vacation will mark my first opportunity to fish with an experienced guide. During the last couple of years, I've packed my rods, and tried my hand at chasing some of Florida's most popular game fish, the Redfish, Snook, and Tarpon. My fishing experience is limited to this area so Florida is a whole new world too me...I've done moderately well on my own, but I hope with a guide I can take it up a notch and really land some nice fish.

Once in a while, we have to stretch our wings and go on vacation. There are great opportunities to enjoy the outdoors in every state, and you can bet that I will take advantage of all Florida has to offer....

See you all in the New Year, and have a happy and healthy holiday season!

