NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Coast Guard: The Most Dramatic Video Rescues of 2007 *
ClearysNoteBook Top Stories of 2007 (continued)

New Jersey: Bears putting off hibernation

Source The Daily Record 

December 30, 2007

Many New Jersey bears seem to be staying up later than usual this winter.

Pregnant sows have to den-up to have their cubs in January, but as long as there's abundant food available, other bears sometimes stay awake, unlike groundhogs and chipmunks, two true hibernators. Black bears generally go into a deep sleep during the coldest months, but aren't as out of consciousness as real hibernators.

Just about every week, there are new photos of bears, some taken by trail cameras, others by hunters, on There's even one sleeping on a bait pile in Hopatcong. Check the site, click in "bear" and scroll down to see them.

