MT Ephraim: The Best Holiday Decorated House Winners for 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
The Mt. Ephraim Celebration Committee would like to congratulate the winners of the Best Holiday Decorated House 2007. Over 15 houses registered for the free event and the winners received a gift certificate to Bubba Dean's Restaurant on the Black Horse Pike and Blockbuster gift cards. The winners are the Arnone Family ; the Salamone Family and the Massi Family. The Committee would like to thank Bubba Dean's for their generous donation and a special thank you to the judges, from the John West Senior Center for taking the time out of their schedules to help. Please visit the for additional information and for upcoming events.
#1 The Arnone Family, 47 Harding Ave., Mount Ephraim
#2 The Salamone Family, 225 James Ave., Mount Ephraim
#3 The Massi Family, 35 Jefferson Ave., Mount Ephraim