NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Gloucester Catholic HS: Rams' boys top Mainland, set record; girls fall
Msgr. John J. Clark, 79, Parochial Victor at St. Mary, Gloucester City and retired pastor of Two Parishes, dies

Hunting Stories: A 46 year-old-man dies while bear hunting *


Moyock man dies while bear hunting

A Moyock man died Wednesday while hunting — something he enjoyed doing — his sister said Thursday.

Rhonda DeBruhl said her brother, Edward Osborn Ferebee Jr., 46, of 2115 Caratoke Highway, Moyock, was an avid hunter and enjoyed fishing. He had been hunting with five other people Wednesday and had even killed one bear that day, she said.

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