NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Rider’s Ringgold Rookie of Week
MaryLynne (Milsted) Hunter, Teacher and Librarian for St. John of God School, succumbs from cancer

Gloucester City-B-Ball Team from many years ago


GLOUCESTER CITY- Memories from the past……Steubings Appliance Basketball Team year would be around 1955.

Pictured (bottom row) from left unknown, Bart Rettew, Joe Battersby, Jan Ferry, John Rowand.

Standing-Coach unknown? Anzide, Rick Gonzales, unknown, Rocky Gianvito, unknown, unknown, unknown.

If you have any information about the photo, such as the names of those unknown, email [email protected]

Photo provided by Joe Battersby

Related: Memories Album

Memories Album #2
