Bills Point of View: ‘The Good’ & ‘The Bad’ for December
Friday, December 28, 2007
JEER-NJ Gov. Corzine and the Lame Duck Legislators recently did away with the death penalty in our state. Edward P. Donohue, Chief of Police, Lower Township sums it up in a recent Letter to the Editor stating in part, "This is a slap in the face to every one who puts on a bulletproof vest every day, kisses their family and walks out the door to protect the state's residents."
CHEER- Gloucester City Patrolman Steve Burkhardt and his K-9 partner "Eich" pronounced "Ike" a 15- month- old black German shepherd imported from Slovakia graduate today, December 28, from the Camden County Police Academy. The course began on September 10th . Eich will be certified in patrol work as well as narcotics detection.
JEER-To NJ Senate President Richard J. Codey, D-Essex, who has proposed that the 11 percent pay raises for state judges (who just received a raise in July) be expanded to include 16.3 percent pay boosts for the state's 21 county prosecutors. If approved the prosecutors pay would bump up to $165,000 a year from the $141,000 they now are paid. The Democrat controlled part-time legislators (salary $49,000 a year) also want to give themselves a raise. Instead of looking for ways to cut spending Democrats and Republicans alike by their actions continue to say, "The Hell with the voters! We can increase taxes and still be re-elected."
CHEER-To Mary Lou Adams, a five year member and president of the Gloucester City Historical Society along with a "Big Thumbs Up" to Rae Whalen, a 15 year member and vice-president of the Society. Both women are running for re-election next month. It is our hope the membership will see the wisdom of re-electing these two dedicated members.
CHEER- Joe Brophy of Gloucester City recently helped a local resident in her time of need. The person writes, "I was at a local gas station and I needed assistance with placing air in my front tire and monitoring the accurate amount to put in. The staff of the gas station stated they did not know how to help me with my visibly low tire. Fortunately for me, Joe Brophy was purchasing gas and swiftly offered to help out. How uplifting that someone was willing to spend extra time in the wind and frigid temperatures to assist a fellow citizen. Joe's patience and kindness will long be remembered!"
CHEER-Another individual suggested, "A Thumbs Up to all the military personnel from Gloucester City and surrounding area for their great work in all branches of the military service to our country. I say a prayer every time I see the list of their names in the GCN, as these brave men and women VOLUNTEER their lives to ensure our freedom! Thanks.
CHEER-Up again this month for praise is the Gloucester City Police Department. A reader writes, "Members of our police department have a tough job, day in and day out. Just as impressive as the job they do is their involvement in our community. Look at any youth sports league in town and our officers are involved in someway. Plus they are active in PAL. In my opinion, one of the biggest assets for the police this past year has been Clearys website. Police Lieutenant Berglund has been very forthcoming with information to the public; and ClearysNoteBook has it up on the website right away. I as a citizen appreciate getting crime information as soon as possible."
CHEER-Gloucester City High School staff member Joe Gorman is starting his 30th year of coaching in Gloucester City. Joe has given of himself to this community in many, many capacities for decades. Thank you Joe!
JEER-To those police officers who for whatever reason fly thru neighborhood intersections and run through red lights at high speeds without stopping or slowing down. In a City that is only two square miles a few seconds these speed demons are saving is not worth the life of a child or some other innocent bystander. If they are allowed to continue sooner or later someone will be killed or seriously injured by their reckless driving.
Contributing to the Decembers column were Bernadette Gorman, Catherine Gottert, and Michael Kazmar. There were also several people who sent in recommendations without a name. Thank you one and all for your help.
Besides Gloucester residents I would also like to see citizens from surrounding communities send in their suggestions for a Cheer or Jeer. This column is an open forum. So take advantage of it. It is posted the last week of each month. Reply to [email protected].