NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Pet of the Week.......Fred
Gloucester City: Proposed Train Routes

Letters: Column was a victory celebration

To SouthJerseyLocalNews.Com,


Regarding your "In Our View" column on Nov. 8 – I thought I was reading a column about a team victory. I could understand it if the editorial was meant to congratulate the Gloucester Township Democrats on their victory, but this was like a victory party for the home team.


Your obvious exuberance dispelled any appearance of bipartisanship, even happily comparing it to the Red Sox World Series win.And to decry Republican tax procedure as the reason for their loss is to ignore the re-election of Democrats all over the state.


Almost every mayor, council member and, above all the governor and legislators in Trenton are Democrats who preside over the highest state taxes in the nation. The whole state is run by Democrats. My home-town, Pine Hill, doesn't even offer a Republican slate on the ballot.


Unfortunately, people are leaving the state in droves because they can't afford to live here.

Surf's up all right, but it's flooding the whole state, dudes!

Ernie Marsden

Pine Hill
