NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Charlotte M. Johnson, 36 of Blackwood
Rider University 82, Penn State University 73

Gloucester City High School Powder Puff Game a Great Success; Final Seniors 28, Juniors 16


The Second Annual Gloucester City High School Powder Puff game was held Wednesday night November 21 at the John Lynch Football Field, Market Street and Route 130.

Over 500 fans came out to show their support.

Powder_puff_game_049 For those of you who don't already know, Powder Puff is a complete reversal of the usual components of an ordinary football game.   Females from grades eleven and twelve participate in a football game with each assigned offense and defense positions. These are led by staff members of Gloucester City Junior-Senior High School.    

And what football game would be complete without cheerleaders?!  A Cheering squad featuring all males roots for the girls and provides everyone  

with an enormous amount of entertainment.  Both teams had cheerleaders consisting of boys from the Classes of 2009 & 2008.  

Admission was a $1.00 and all proceeds from the gate and concession stand benefited this year's Senior Class Trip to Florida.

Photos by Bruce Darrow       see photo album
see more photos


