Mayor & Council Release Fire Department Budget
Monday, October 15, 2007
COSTS OF FIRE PROTECTION For The Calendar Year 2007
Salaries & Wages........................................ $2,398,237.50
Other Expenses 238,800.00
Note: Overtime through October 10, 2007=$279,015.38)
Uniform Fire Safety Act:
Salaries and Wages....................................... $70,085.01
other expenses 8,000.00
Office of Emergency Management:
Salaries and Wages ...................................................................... $28,000.00
Other expenses 10,000.00
$ 38,000.00
Indirect Costs:
Estimated 25% of JIF/MEL Premiums ($546,149.40).......................... $136,537.35
Premium for Gloucester Heights Policy..................... 1,985.50
Volunteer Life Insurance Premiums........................................... 248.18
Group Insurance Plans (Including Retirees):
Medical ....................... $424,908.00
Dental .......................... 24,048.00
Prescription .............................. 118,029.96
Vision Reimbursements......................... 158.00
Medicare Reimbursements (Retirees) .............................. 4,488.00
Utilities (Including Volunteer Stations) (2006 Figures)
Electricity ...................................... $30,503.06
Gas.................................. 25,640.51
Telephone ............................................... 5,394.24
Sewerage Disposal.............................................. 945.00
Gasoline & Diesel Fuel ………………………………………................................. 21,442.32
Employer Share of Payroll Taxes:
Social Security @6.20% ................................. $6,695.09
Medicare @1.45% ............................. 36,196.68
Contribution to Police & Firemens Pension System:
47.24% of 2007 Pension Bill of $507,116.80 ……………………………. ................. $ 239,561.98
Subtotal Operating Expenses…………………………………………………............... $ 3,829,904.38
Debt Service Related to Fire Capital Expenditures:
Bond Anticipation Note Principal ………………………………………. $76,500.00
Interest on Notes …………………………………………………………….. 54,875.25
Serial Bond Principal:
1992 Bond Issue (14.72%)………………………………………………............ 46,956.80
1995 Bond Issue (10.05%)……………………………………………............ ..... 31,155.00
Interest on Bonds:
1992 Bond Issue (14.72%)…………………………………………….. 1,467.40
1995 Bond Issue (10.05%)…………………………………………….. 7,039.27
Total Expenses ………………………………………….. $4,047,898.10
Signed: Gloucester City Mayor and Council
Note from Site Editor: There was some
discrepancies with the amount of the Fire Department's Budget. The Union said
the amount was $2.49 million for all fire
department services. Mayor and Council said the amount was $4 million. I had
asked for both sides (City and Union) to provide factual information to back up
their claims. Today, I received the above information by email from Mayor
and Council.
I am hoping the union
will follow suit and release the document showing the budget was what
they claim it was, $2.49 million. I had also asked the union to explain how
$50,000 was spent in one month for overtime. Were there firemen injured
fighting a fire who are not able to work? Or are firemen abusing the sick leave
Saturday, October 13 the union members held a protest rally during the Heroes
to Hero 5K memorial run seeking public sympathy for their cause. The union's
contract expires in 2008.