Should Gloucester City Mayor and Council Be Placing Legal Notices in the City News?
Monday, August 20, 2007
Note: This letter was published in the City News August 16, 2007
After reading the article "The Public has a Right to Know" in the August 9th edition of the Gloucester City News, I was conflicted as to Bill Cleary's intent.
Was it truly to argue for keeping the community informed, or was it to argue that his newspaper should be getting the business?
The reason for my conflict stems from recalling articles or opinions said author published a year ago in response to the community newsletter.
At the time, the Mayor and Council instituted a monthly newsletter and an almost weekly e-mail blast to keep the residents of Gloucester City informed as to what was happening in the community.
This newsletter was sent by mail to every household in Gloucester City. Doing so ensured that every citizen would be provided with the information. At that time, the author in question stated that Mayor and Council were wasting taxpayer dollars and argued that they should use his newspaper.
Now, fast forward a year, no newsletter and no e-mail blast, but an attempt by Mayor and Council to save taxpayer dollars. Utilizing Camden County's publicly advertised bid, Mayor and Council opted to advertise in a newspaper, that many in Gloucester City receive, at a reduced rate.
In doing so, they fulfilled their duty of notifying the public. I realize that there is pending litigation on the issue. But, to my knowledge, there has been no order to cease and desist the practice.
As such, I applaud Mayor and Council for making a concerted effort to save money. Unfortunately, the author of the article disagrees. Again, he argues that his newspaper should just get the business.
So, we have moved from having a direct newsletter sent to every household in the community, to hoping that people will pick up and read one of the daily or weekly news publications available to them in order to see what is happening in town.
In doing so, I agree that we should be looking to meet our legal obligation in the most cost efficient manner. Though I do not know the statistics, I believe not everyone reads the News or one of the other daily publications available to them.
In light of this, I again question. Is the author truly concerned about keeping the public informed or just getting business for his newspaper? He seems conflicted himself; just look at last year to the present.
Raymond W. Coxe, Gloucester City
(Gloucester City NEWS Editor's note: For the record, I, Albert J. Countryman Jr., am the owner of the NEWS. Second, there is more circulation of the NEWS than the Inquirer or Courier Post on any given Thursday. By state statue, Gloucester City must advertise legal ads in a newspaper that is published in Camden County, NJ. )