NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Gloucester City Mayor & Council Agenda for August meeting
Moving Day for the Anchor (Wednesday, August 22, 2007)

Refurbished German War Relic Finds a New Home


Gloucester City has moved the German ship anchor that had been located at the old Coast Guard Base on King Street for years. It is now positioned near the entrance of the City Marina at the intersection of King Street and Jersey Avenue.

The anchor was taken from a German freighter captured by the Coast Guard off of the Atlantic Coast during World War II. For 40 years or more the anchor sat at the entrance of the City Coast Guard Base. When the base was abandoned by the Coast Guard in 1986 they left the anchor. For the next 21 years the anchor remained on the property rusting away behind some high shrubs.

Thinking it would make a nice addition to the City Marina the mayor and council asked the members of Union Local 711 Painters and Allied Trades AFL-CIO if they would donate their time to scrape the rust off the anchor and paint it.

080207_1606_1_1 Photo: Two union apprentices, Krystal Carpenter and David Gregorio began the work on the project earlier this month.

The job was completed last week and the anchor was moved to its new location on Wednesday (August 22) by the Public Works Department.

No sooner was the anchor put in place someone wrote a complaint to the "Notebook" about the swastikas that are visible on the anchor. 

The individual in part wrote, My suggestion would be to have a local welder come by and change those symbols to some sort of block or something that would mask the view of the swastika. Or get rid of it all together.

Tour_of_city_040 Until then I am afraid to say that my son will miss out on all the ships down by this harbor because I cannot subject him to such hatred, racism and death. We will seek other harbors outside the city that bring more comfort and heartfelt welcome to those who wish to enjoy.” He signed the letter, Disappointed.

read the entire letter

 Gloucester City Mayor Bill James when asked about the negative remarks said, “Because of it historic value the City decided it would be wrong to remove the symbols. In the near future a plaque will be placed at the foot of the anchor explaining the history of the anchor.  Please tell your son that the swastika is a reminder of the evil that America defeated so that you and he and all of us could have the opportunity to enjoy a walk along the harbor.”
