NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Robin E. Lusch, of Pennsauken, age 52

Proprietors Park Name should be changed to Veteran’s Park


When the Camden County park was built in 1929, it was dedicated to the six soldiers killed in World War I.


They planted cherry blossom trees, and a small stone marker with each soldiers name on it.

On Memorial Day, the veterans marched to the park and placed a floral float in the Delaware River.


The Park Commission deeded the ground back to the City in 1979 for $1. Because of the significance of a few men of the West Jersey Proprietors meeting under a Buttonwood tree for 299 years, City Council changed the name to "Proprietor's Park." How many people knew what the Proprietors were for?


It is up to Gloucester City Council to decide to make the change, not the Historical Society.

Why doesn't Council stand up and dedicate the park to all of our veterans, and return it to what it was?

John A. Berry, Gloucester City
