NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Francis I Kain WWII Navy Veteran, Member of Steamfitters Union Local #420, Lifelong Resident of Gloucester City

Letters: The City Should Fine CSX for Not Maintaining the RR Property


Photo: the  weeds along the railroad track in front of the Gloucester City Library.



I would like to start by saying that I think the Highway Department has done an outstanding job this summer maintaining all the landscaping of the city properties.  I don't remember the city looking so good.  They have really stayed on top of it this year and they deserve a pat on the back.


My concern is the condition of the railroad property running from Essex Street to Market Street.  This property is owned by CSX Transportation Inc., a privately owned corporation.  They make no attempt to maintain this property and the grass is over two feet high.  This is nothing new because this happens every summer.  The only section of the railroad property that is maintained is the portion adjacent to Mayor James' house, because he cuts it himself.  I applaud him for that and he sets a good example in doing so. 


However, he or any other resident should not have to do this. 


Could the Highway Department maintain the property and then the city bill the corporation for the work?  Could the Housing Authority issue a summons to the corporation for failing to maintain their property?  Housing does this to our residents so it only seems fair. 


I think it's wrong that people entering the city from Collings Ave. get their initial impression of Gloucester City by looking at this blight.  It screams out that we don't care and that is not the case.  It takes away from the outstanding job our Highway Department does.


I think our Highway Department should maintain the property if CSX doesn't and then bill the hell out of them.  What do you think?


Henry Hill
