NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Coming Friday Afternoon……..Gloucester City’s Pub Crawl
A tribute to the Girl Scouts of America

"A Gift from Heaven"... City Little League Receives $25,000 Grant


At Thursday night's Gloucester City Little League meeting Tom Gurick (center) presented a $25,000 grant to representatives of the organization to be used to enhance the facilities at the field on  Johnson Blvd.

Tom, a former Camden County Freeholder and Gloucester City Councilman, was instrumental in obtaining the monies for the League  through the Camden County Board Of Chosen Freeholders.

Pictured with Gurick from left are: Tony Eller, Harry Fox-Treasurer,  Jerry Murphy-Vice President and Bob Collins-president.

see all Little League stories
