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Jack Pyrah Villanova Coach Emeritus Has Died

  Ryan Payne of the Villanova Cross Country and Track andField Alumni Association announced that Jack Pyrah, of Gloucester City, has passed away. Payne said,"It is with great sadness that we announce today the passing of Jack Pyrah.  Please keep his family in your prayers over the next few days. We will provide the funeral arrangements as soon as we receive them."

Jack,  spent 26 years as Villanova assistant track coach under legendary Villanova coach Jumbo Elliott. And 26 years as Villanova's head cross-country coach. 1981.  

Pyrah retired from Villanova in 1991 and is now considered Villanova "coach emeritus." Upon his retirement Villanova presented Jack a unique gift, the offer to accompany the Villanova track or cross-country teams to any meet in the country.

Pyrah was honored on March 4 at the Villanova Syracuse basketball game. Jack , (picture), was inducted into the National Coaches Hall of Fame in December in San Antonio. 

Photo by Jack Heath                              all stories on Jack Pyrah
