NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia
If life was fair, Elvis [Elvis Presley] would be alive and all the impersonators would be dead. `~Johnny Carson
« June 2007 |
| August 2007 »
Philip J. GILSON Jr., age 64, of Collingswood, passed away on July 30, 2007On July 30, 2007. Formerly of Audubon. Loved and cared for by his wife of 43 years, Maryann (nee Klaus). Loving Son of the late Philip J. Gilson, Sr. and Grace Gilson (nee Fewer). Beloved father of Phil (Jane) of Clayton, Mike (Sandy) of Audubon, Terry of Audubon and Kate (Dan Powell) of Gloucester City. Dear Brother of Robert J. Gilson of Virginia Beach, Virginia. Cherished grandfather of Nate, Cade, Mattie, Mikey and Lundon. Philip proudly served our country in the United States Marine Corp and a member of the Marine Corps Association. He was a longtime member of the Harrowgate American Legion Post # 78 in Philadelphia, PA. Philip was a member of the Sierra Club and the ACLU. Relatives and friends are kindly invited to attend Philip's Life Celebration on Sunday from 1 pm to...
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Edward Eugene McGANN, of Gloucester City, passed away on July 30 at the age of 68. Formerly of Collingswood and Camden. Beloved Husband of the late Alice Mae (nee McMullen). Loving Companion and Best Friend of 27 years to Patricia Powell of Gloucester City. Devoted father of Angela Lutz (Mike) of Gloucester City, Wayne Wells of Neptune, Richard (Dale) McGann of Lewes, Delaware, Sean McGann of Collingswood and three Sons Edward, George and John. Dear Brother of Catherine Powell of Westville, Jean D'Agostino of Lindenwold and the late George and Terry. Beloved grandfather of 4 and survived by many nieces and nephews. Edward was born and raised in Camden. He proudly served our country in the U.S. Army. Edward was a lifetime member of the Townsend C. Young V.F.W Post # 3620 in Gloucester City where he was a bartender for many years. Before retiring, he owned and operated The...
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The Gloucester City Building and Housing Department is moving to its new location at 700 Somerset Street (previously the Camden County Health Center next to the Dining Car Depot on Monmouth St. along the railroad) The office will be closed Thursday, Aug.2nd and Friday,August 3rd. The Department will reopen for business on Monday August 6th at 9AM. Phone numbers will remain the same. Photo: Joe Stecklair , left and John Stiefel, officials of the Building and Housing Department have been working in their spare time for several weeks to make repairs to their new office.
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Bill, My first reaction when I found out they were going to knock down Bells Farm in Bellmawr was disappointment. Bells Farm was the oldest part of Bellmawr and home to the founding family of the town. I resigned myself to the fact that a senior home was going up and maybe it would be a good thing for those who needed such housing. It looks like my initial reaction was the correct one. The complex has been the biggest eyesore around for the past two years. Piles of rusting metal, high weeds, stones and building material have sat out for the past two years where trees were. The construction itself looks cheap, and the accommodations crowded. I guess someone made a nice buck off the construction but those who have to look at the eyesore every day are the poorer for the loss of the farm. Jack Heath
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To view obit visit, McGuinness Funeral Home. Viewing Thursday, 11 AM McGuinness Funeral home, 34 Hunter St. Woodbury
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Funeral Mass 12 noon Friday at Our Lady of Grace RC Church, Somerdale To view obit:
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See story on Funding for playground A big "thank you" to the "Angel" who provided a wonderful new playground for the children at the corner of Middlesex and Burlington, Gloucester City. It is a vast improvement over the sad excuse for a playground that was there before. The kids love and so do the parents. The problem with the new playground is the other kids who use it. I am talking about the teenagers that come after the sun goes down and are there until all hours of the night. I could live with the noise, but the language used and the mess they leave behind are a disgrace. I have heard the parents of some of the toddlers scold some of the teenage kids for the language used in front of the little ones. The response the adults get is not very respectful. The other night I witnessed a...
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By Linda Boker-Angelo NEWS Correspondent Plans for a new pub-style family restaurant on Burlington Street are underway. Shawn Nachurski and David McDonough, owners of Bridges Real Estate, L.L.C., appeared before the Gloucester City Planning Board last week with plans to transform the former go-go bar known as Billy's Place into an Irish pub-style family restaurant. Nachurski outlined plans to renovate and expand the building at 157 Burlington Street, which was built in the 1800s. He said he envisioned a gathering place similar to the pubs in Ireland, where generations of families can gather with their children to share a good meal, hear some traditional Irish music, and socialize with their fellow community members. Also, there will be an upscale bar and restaurant on the first floor, with additional seating planned for the second floor. Local attorney Charles Wigginton, who represented the applicants, said that Bridges had the opportunity to purchase...
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In the past few weeks, I have that been aware that people, during the early morning hours, were using my backyard pool. This morning, at 5 a.m., I found four young teenagers in the pool. Although I could have and maybe should have called the police, I did not. Their response when I asked them what gave them the right to use the pool, they stated others told them they could. I then inquired as to why they thought "other people" who did not live in the house had the right to allow them the use of the pool. In addition, I asked them where their parents thought they were. In bed, of course. I then told them to get out of the pool and to let "the others" know that if I ever again find anyone using the pool, I would call the police and have them arrested for...
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Richard D. Hubbs, of Gloucester City, passed away suddenly on July 29, 2007 at the age of 71. Loving husband of 28 years and together again with Connie J. Hubbs. Devoted and caring father of Richard D. Hubbs, Jr. (Patricia) of Gloucester City and Alice J. Sharp (Michael) of Sewell. Cherished grandfather of Richard III, Kyle Hubbs, Tina (Christopher) Holmes, Matthew Wilson, Michael Sharp, Jr. and Mason Sharp. Dear Great-grandfather of Natalie Holmes. Loving Brother of Joseph Hubbs of Audubon, Allen L. Hubbs of Gloucester City, George F. Hubbs of Elk Township, Nancy Quieti of Bellmawr,Edward Hubbs of Gloucester City and the late Hubert Hubbs. Also, survived by many nieces and nephews. Richard was a lifelong resident of Gloucester City. He graduated from Gloucester City High School in 1954. Richard proudly served our country in the U.S. Army. He was a 14 year dedicated volunteer for the Gloucester City Fire...
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see Sunday's story …From the pages of South Jersey Magazine… Author: Tara Nurin "The South Jersey ports are a main contributor to air pollution in the South Jersey/Philadelphia region," warns Doug O'Malley, the field director for the advocacy group Environment New Jersey. He says Camden, Burlington and Gloucester counties are "out of attainment with the [Environmental Protection Agency] for soot pollution, and soot pollution is honestly the most deadly form of air pollution out there. It's directly linked to cancer. It's directly linked to aggravating asthma, heart disease and heart attacks." "If you talk anecdotally to teachers or nurses in schools, they'll tell you that 25 percent of the kids in Waterfront South have asthma," cautions Olga Pomar, an attorney with South Jersey Legal Services who represents clients from Camden's Waterfront South neighborhood. Waterfront South is a tiny enclave of impoverished homes that's buried deep within the port area and...
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Bill's Point of View: (Hardship: noun, adversity, misfortune, suffering, burden, affliction) The proposal to rename some streets in Gloucester City in memory of citizens who have died fighting for our country has started quite a controversy I have been told. An article about the renaming streets in honor of City heroes appeared in last Thursday's Gloucester City News. Soon after the phones started to ring in the Municipal Building from people who opposed the idea. The article mentioned that the Mayor's Advisory Committee was conducting a feasibility study. "Nothing will be done until the study is completed. The public will be informed of the outcome before any streets are renamed," said Ted Howarth a member of the committee. He added the committe welcomes the public input both pro and con. Those who complained said if their street is renamed it would create a hardship to have to change their driver's...
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We just learned that Paul Bowman, a GHS classmate, died July 20. Does anyone have any details? Other classmates are asking….. Thanks, Nancy and Bill Taylor, Gloucester City High School, Class of 1960
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The Gloucester City Breakfast Club met on Saturday July 28 at the Dining Car Depot. The club held its first official 50-50 Drawing using a roll of number tickets. In the past your number was written on a little tag or your name was written on the back of a dollar bill. But there was still problems with this simplified new method on Saturday. You have to understand some of these individuals only get out on weekends. Anyway on Saturday one member, who will remain anonymous, didn't know he was suppose to keep one ticket and throw the other in the bucket. Instead he placed both tickets into the tub and as a result it took sometime to determine the winner. Tom ChooChoo Murphy, who took control of the big drawing, would call out, " Ticket 001", no one answers; "Ticket 002", no one answers. It continued like that for...
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Services for Connie J. Hubbs and Richard D. Hubbs, Husband and wife of 28 years, both of Gloucester City. Relatives and friends are kindly invited to attend Connie and Richard's viewing on Wednesday Evening from 7 to 9 pm and Thursday morning from 10 to 11 am at the McCANN-HEALEY FUNERAL HOME: 851 Monmouth Street, (at Brown Street) Gloucester City. Episcopal Religious Service 11 am in the funeral home officiated by Mother Bradley of Saint Luke's Episcopal Church in Westville. Interment Cedar Grove Cemetery, Gloucester City see Connie J. Hubbs obit McCann-Healey Funeral Homea
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Connie J. Hubbs (nee Jordan) of Gloucester City passed away suddenly on July 25, 2007. She was 52. Loving wife of 28 years to the late Richard Hubbs. Beloved daughter of Josephine Jordan (nee Yost) of Mansfield, Ohio and the late Donald Jordan. Devoted step-mother of Richard D. Hubbs, Jr. (Patricia) of Gloucester City and Alice J. Sharp (Michael) of Sewell. Cherished grandmother of Richard III, Kyle Hubbs, Tina (Christopher) Holmes, Matthew Wilson, Michael Sharp, Jr. and Mason Sharp. Loving Great-grandmother of Natalie Holmes. Dear Sister of Larain May of Ohio. Connie was born and raised in Mansfield, Ohio. She has lived in Gloucester City for the last 30 years. Relatives and friends are kindly invited to attend her viewing on Wednesday morning from 11 to 12 Noon at the McCANN-HEALEY FUNERAL HOME: 851 Monmouth Street, (at Brown Street) Gloucester City. Episcopal Religious Service 12 Noon in the funeral home...
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By Bill Bates NEWS Correspondent & Committee Member The Heroes To Hero Foundation, Inc. recently presented three $1,000.00 scholarships to graduating seniors from three area high schools for academic excellence as well as community involvement. The scholarships are awarded in honor and memory of Tommy Stewart III, Jim Sylvester, and John West Sr. and the selfless dedication they gave to their respective departments and community's they so faithfully served. Another check (not pictured) was also presented to the Camden County Hero Scholarship Fund, Inc. ( in the amount of $5,000.00 to be used towards college educations for children of permanently disabled or deceased firefighters, police officers, and emergency medical personnel from Camden County. 2007 HEROES TO HERO SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS - From Left to Right are Heroes To Hero Committee Treasurer Wayne Hughes, Mount Ephraim Mayor Joe Wolk, Gloucester City High School Senior Kyle Kramer, Gloucester Catholic High School Senior Matthew...
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Dog Quote: They never talk about themselves but listen to you while you talk about yourself, and keep up an appearance of being interested in the conversation. ....Jerome K. Jerome PHOTO; LACEY, Feb. 2007 ********************************* One of the first and most important steps in dog training is to get the respect and confidence of your dog. As mentioned in previous newsletters dogs are pack animals, and there always must be a leader of the pack.You need to ensure that your dog understands that you are his or her leader. Once you've done that you will have gained the respect and confidence of your dog. Having done this will make dog training a whole lot easier for you and a far more pleasurable experience. Failure to gain the respect of your dog will result in a disobedient animal, as they will not look to you as the lead dog, and it...
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By Doug Skinner The shallow lakes of South Jersey offer a unique chance for productive shoreline fishing. During the early spring, these shallow areas are fishing hot spots. The water is starting to warm up and many fish are moving into the shallows to spawn. Fishing for largemouth bass from the shoreline can become difficult in the summer. Warmer water forces some of the larger fish into the deeper holes that are usually outside of the casting area. That certainly does not mean it is impossible to catch a nice fish from the shore, all you need is patience and persistence. Sunfish, of all varieties, and chain pickerel hang close to shore throughout the summer. Bass and pickerel will cruise the shallows feasting on smaller sunfish and minnows even on the hottest days. The days are much longer in the summer, passing a lake at 5 p.m. no longer means...
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…From the pages of South Jersey Magazine… Author: Tara Nurin The trade industry operating along our Delaware River shoreline has kept our waterfront profitable for years. Even with some modern challenges, it still thrives like the days of old… Gloucester City, New Jersey: Old timers recognize its proud heritage as a thriving port city—a city that grew and prospered from the importation of cotton and textiles that clothed thousands of families throughout New Jersey in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. But younger generations might scoff in distaste at the mention of the hamlet whose west end is sliced in half by the dominating structure that is the Walt Whitman Bridge. PHOTO: cargo containers are being unloaded off a ship docked at Holt Marine Terminal in Gloucester City. In the foreground is the Walt Whitman Bridge. These generations, too, know Gloucester City. But their mind's image is of an...
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LAD T The Courier Post has a photo gallery on its site pertaining to the July 4th, 2002 tragic fire in Gloucester City. To view the gallery click the link below. CP_gallery_head.jpg slideshow_fade.jpg photo ... Sculptor Brian Halon works on a model of the sculpture of Firefighter Thomas Stewart, III, which will stand in front of the Gloucester City Fire Department, . see stories on this topic Related articles by Zemanta ClearysNoteBook: Breaking News/Gloucester City NJ/Route 76 Crash Leads to arrest ( Tips and Snippets: Clearing Up the Rumors about the City Fire Dept. ( Camden City: Two Alarm Fire, One Firefighter Injured (
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Gloucester City, New Jersey: Old timers recognize its proud heritage as a thriving port city—a city that grew and prospered from the importation of cotton and textiles that clothed thousands of families throughout New Jersey in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. But younger generations might scoff in distaste at the mention of the hamlet whose west end is sliced in half by the dominating structure that is the Walt Whitman Bridge. PHOTO: cargo containers are being unloaded off a ship docked at Holt Marine Terminal in Gloucester City. In the foreground is the Walt Whitman Bridge. These generations, too, know Gloucester City. But their mind's image is of an old working-class town that's losing population and offers outside pleasure seekers no incentive to visit. It's not that no one comes to Gloucester City. In fact, up to 500 workers pour through Gloucester's borders every day during peak shipping...
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By Jack "Bomber" Bennett Note: The author is a former resident of Gloucester City and a graduate of Gloucester Catholic High School. Today, Jack resides in Florida PUB CRAWL – the act of one or more people drinking in a number of pubs in a single night, normally walking between them. Wikipedia As a kid growing up in Gloucester City in the 50's and 60's, it was always there beckoning to you. You never quite understood what it was, but you could feel it every time you walked down most any street in town. There was always this vibe in the air—a tingling sensation. You couldn't quite put you finger on it, but you knew it was there. Then, one day it suddenly hit you like a bottle of stale beer and you saw it—Gloucester had a tavern on nearly every corner. Some street corners had more than one. Of...
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Photo by Frank Messenger Philly's latest mural, a six story tribute to the Girl Scouts of America at Broad Street and Callowhill. more photos by Frank Messenger
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At Thursday night's Gloucester City Little League meeting Tom Gurick (center) presented a $25,000 grant to representatives of the organization to be used to enhance the facilities at the field on Johnson Blvd. Tom, a former Camden County Freeholder and Gloucester City Councilman, was instrumental in obtaining the monies for the League through the Camden County Board Of Chosen Freeholders. Pictured with Gurick from left are: Tony Eller, Harry Fox-Treasurer, Jerry Murphy-Vice President and Bob Collins-president. see all Little League stories
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By Jack "Bomber" Bennett Note: The author is a former resident of Gloucester City and a graduate of Gloucester Catholic High School. Today, Jack resides in Florida PUB CRAWL – the act of one or more people drinking in a number of pubs in a single night, normally walking between them. Wikipedia As a kid growing up in Gloucester City in the 50 and 60's, it was always there beckoning to you. You never quite understood what it was, but you could feel it every time you walked down most any street in town. There was always this vibe in the air—a tingling sensation. You couldn't quite put you finger on it, but you knew it was there. Then, one day it suddenly hit you like a bottle of stale beer and you saw it—Gloucester had a tavern on nearly every corner. Some street corners had more than one. Of...
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BYSTRICK, LEONARD JAMES, ESQ. Suddenly on July 24, 2007, of Woolwich Twp., formerly of Bellmawr. Age 46. Beloved husband Barbara (nee Gross). Loving father of Laura Bystrick and step-father of Christopher Gross. Dear son of Rose (nee Lombardo). Brother of Roseann Bocelli and her husband Gene. Also survived by his niece Christi Pilesky and nephew Lance Bocelli. Len worked as an attorney for Cumberland Ins. Group in Bridgeton. He was a member of the Ascension Lutheran Church Council for many years. Len's passion was decorating his home. He was so proud of his Christmas decorations. His house was known as the "Christmas House". In 2006, his home won the Courier Post award for best decorated house. He was also awarded a proclamation by Woolwich Twp. for his holiday display for the enjoyment of the township. Len also loved his trains, traveling, and working in his yard. He was a loving,...
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Photo Boston Harbor 2005 MAYPORT, Fla. (AP) - July 24, 2007 – reports the final departure of the decommissioned aircraft carrier U.S.S. John F. Kennedy from Florida is being delayed. But the Navy and a congressman are offering different reasons why. Jacksonville Republican Ander Crenshaw says the departure of the Kennedy to the mothball fleet in Philadelphia is being delayed because the Delaware River doesn't appear to be deep enough to handle the ship. The Navy says the delay is due to an electrical malfunction in the equipment used to tow the carrier. It expects the problem to be fixed by Friday. The Navy will maintain the Kennedy so that it could be reactivated in a national emergency. Crews have been working for four months to ready the carrier for the trip to Philadelphia. more info on the USS John Kennedy
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The Breakfast Club changes meeting Date; officially the last Saturday of the month 9 AM The male alumni from Tucker's Corner, Powell's, Pine House, Augie's Pool Room, Gords, Cerrone's Luncheonette, The Venice, Crown Point, Dick Lees, Wayne's Log Cabin, Sand Bar, Sports Corner etc. get together each month for what else, breakfast. NOTE: a change has been made the group will now meet the last Saturday of the month beginning in July. The time has also been changed to 9 AM. The next meeting will be July 28th at the Dining Car Depot, Monmouth Street, Gloucester City. Present at the June 23rd meeting: Bill Cleary, George Cleary, Bill Yeager, Bill Ritchie, Bill Gross, Bob Bevan, Ken MacAdams, Frank DeFelice, Walt Hall, Chalie Pitzo, Frank Grandizio, Len Lacovara, Ron Raube and Joe DiGiacomo. Present at the May 26th meeting: Ron Raube, Jim Blymer, Geo Cleary, Bill Cleary, Gary Marcucci, Chalie Tourtual,...
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Mary J. Wolk, (nee Zwolak), age 76, of Philadelphia, PA passed away on July 24. Loving wife of 52 years to Tony Wolk. Devoted mother of Anthony W. (April) Wolk of Medford and Linda (Joe) Rotiroti of West Chester, PA. Beloved grandmother of Frank and Liz. Dear Sister of Jennie Romanowski of Philadelphia, PA. Relatives and friends are kindly invited to attend her viewing on Saturday morning from 10 am to 11 am at Saint Dominic R.C. Church: 8504 Frankford Avenue, Philadelphia, PA. Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated 11 am in the church. Interment Resurrection Cemetery, Bensalem, PA. In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorial donations in Mary's memory to the American Cancer Society: 1626 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. Expressions of sympathy can be e-mailed to the family through the funeral home website under online obituaries of Mary J. Wolk. Funeral Arrangements and Inquiries may...
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FARRENY, MICHAEL J. On July 21, 2007 age 22 beloved son of Anette(nee Palladino) and Ernest A. Farreny, Jr. of Cherry Hill, NJ. He is also survived by one brother Ernest A., IV (Kerri) of Marlton and one sister Michelle (Carey) Turner of Dallas, TX; his paternal grandmother Betty Farreny of Moorestown; 5 nephews Nicholas, Kevin andJason Turner and Ernest A. Farreny, IV and Andrew Farreny; one niece Brianna Farreny. Michael was a 2004 graduate of Cherry Hill West High School and a graduate of the NASCAR Technical Institute in Mooresville, NC. He enjoyed fishing and playing vollyball. Relatives and friends are invited to attend his Memorial Mass Saturday morning 10:00 AM in St. Peter Church 43 W. Maple Ave, Merchantville, NJ. Interment private. In lieu of flowers donnations may be made to MDS International Foundation for Aplastic Anemia PO Box 310 Churchton, MD 20733. ALLOWAY FUNERAL HOME Merchantville, NJ
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CURRAN, JOHN E. Of Westville, NJ, on July 22, 2007 at the age 83. Dear Father of Joseph F. Curran of Westville, NJ, Victoria Tortoreto of Haddonfield, NJ, Mari Stephens of Tucson, AZ and the late Edward Curran. Brother of Hugh Curran of W. Collings-wood Heights, NJ and the late Margaret Slawinski. Also survived by 10 grandchildren. John was a WWII Army veteran, he served with the 9th Infantry Division. Relatives and friends are invited to attend his viewing Friday morning from 9:30AM – 10:45AM at Holy Maternity Church, 431 W. Nicholson Rd., Audubon, NJ 08106. Followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 11:00AM. Interment will be at the New St. Mary's Cemetery, Bell-mawr. Arrangements by HENRY FUNERAL HOME, Audubon.
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Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. "Good fences make good neighbors'."This means-if we extrapolate this a bit of Robert Frost wisdom a little further Japan should have some of the best neighbors in the world. For it certainly has some of the best fences and walls I've ever seen. In fact, arriving in Japan many years ago and coming from Gloucester city a small town in Southern New Jersey where we have lots of trees, lawns open land, and open driveways, with room to move around. The first feature of Japanese life that crept into my soul and made me feel "Nope, I'm not in Jersey anymore "was the wall "that surrounded nearly each and every house including the one I live in now. Past the neon flicker of the commercial districts and the futons, meaning sleeping mats, which tongued the balconies to air them out daily. There were many...
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Category: Sports Gloucester City High School will be conducting its final physical for Fall Sports on Wednesday, August 8.The physicals will be conducted in the High School Nurse's Office between the hours of 9- 11 A.M. Students must bring the completed physical forms with them in order to be examined by the school physician. These forms were distributed to the students at their end of the year team meetings. Any student who is in need of a physical form may obtain one from the High School Main Office or the Athletic Director's Office. Students are required to have a physical each school year in order to participate in high school sports. Students will not be permitted to participate in official practice until they have had a physical examination. Students may receive a physical from their "home" physician, however the school's forms must be signed by that physician. Gloucester City High...
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Posted by South Jersey News Online July 24, 2007 11:22AM By Bill Cahir Newhouse News Service WASHINGTON -- Three House Republicans today plan to offer an amendment to a $104.4 billion spending bill for federal transportation and housing programs to block the Federal Aviation Administration from changing the flight patterns around New York City, New Jersey and Philadelphia. The amendment to halt the FAA changes will be sponsored by U.S. Reps. Scott Garrett and Rodney Frelinghuysen, two Republicans from New Jersey, and by U.S. Rep. Christopher Shays, a Republican from Connecticut, according to staff e-mails circulating on Capitol Hill. The FAA on March 23 proposed change the air traffic patterns in New York City, New Jersey and Philadelphia to reduce delays by an estimated 12 million minutes at four major airports: Kennedy, LaGuardia, Newark and Philadelphia. The agency proposed to "combine high-altitude and low-altitude airspace to create more efficient arrival...
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July 21, 2007 By ANDRE WATSON Courier-Post Staff At 27, Matt Demarco isn't the type of player that worries about how many more chances he'll have to land on a major league roster. But that doesn't mean there's not a sense of urgency for the Riversharks infielder. Demarco, a 1998 graduate of Gloucester Catholic High School, is having one of the best seasons in his nine-year professional career, batting .314 with one home run, 24 RBIs and 24 runs scored. "There is a since of urgency (to try to get back to the major league level)," said Demarco, who has spent time in the farm systems of the Florida Marlins and St. Louis Cardinals. "But you don't want to think of it like that and put too much pressure on yourself. Because that's when you start pressing. And when you start pressing, you feel like you have to do something...
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Here's Today's Joke: Why do dogs wag their tails? Because no one else will do it for them. Photo: Lacey ********************************* Reward training your dog Reward training is quite possibly one of the oldest methods of training dogs, dating back to the days when people started trying to domesticate wild animals. It is probably the method of dog training that most of us are familiar with, and it is a natural instinct to reward the dog when they perform the task that we have asked of them. Some people prefer to use a combination of the reward training methods and the leash and collar training to get the best out of their dog in the least time. Some dogs respond better to reward training than leash and collar training so your decision might depend on what method you see working the best with your dog. Reward training for dogs, has...
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MCALLISTER, STEVEN D. Of Camden passed away July 13, 2007, age 22. Beloved son of the late Denise McAllister. He is survived by father Charles Turner (Mary), grandmother AnnaMay McAllister, Uncle and aunts, Allen and Paulette McAllister, Barbara and Michelle Butynes, Immediate sisters and brother, Jessica and Jason McAllister, Christina Ervin, 8 sisters & 3 brothers, Charlotte and Amika Ervin, Mabel Cook, Emma Turner, Tracy Bowman, Angela Coleman, LaCoyia and Craig Clark, Mary, James and Charles Jr. Turner; nieces, nephews and friends, special friend 'Steven,' and companion Delilah Claudio. Service will be 12 noon Tuesday at MAY FUNERAL HOME, 4th & Walnut St., Camden. Viewing 10-12 noon. Interment Sunset Cemetery, Pennsauken. Ministry of comfort entrusted to May Funeral Homes, Camden, Pennsauken and Willingboro. Expressions of sympathy may be sent through
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MARTIN, SAMUEL V. On July 21, 2007, age 75. Of Audubon Park, NJ. Beloved husband of the late Rosalie Ann (nee Griffin). Devoted father of Frank V. (Pamela) Martin of Williamstown, Rosalie Lynora (Randall) Neal of North Carolina, Cynthia Rose (Michael) Petre of Audubon Park. Also loving companion Dorothy Marett of Pennsauken. Loving grandfather of Robert, Jennifer and Roseanne. Dear brother of Monroe, Donald and Harry. Relatives and friends are kindly invited to attend his viewing Tuesday from 10am to 12pm at the MAHAFFEY-MILANO FUNERAL HOME 11 E. Kings Hwy. M. Ephraim, NJ (856)931-1628 Funeral service Tuesday 12 noon at the funeral home. Interment will be private. Family requests in lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to Holy Maternity Church, 431 W. Nicholson Rd., Audubon, NJ 08106 in Samuel's memory. Expressions of sympathy and condolences may be sent to www.milano
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Sunday, July 22, 2007 Category: Sports information source Courier Post Staff Little League-Don Eaise's grounder with the infield in and the bases loaded in the bottom of the seventh inning propelled Mount Ephraim to the Senior Little League Section 4 finals with a dramatic 9-8 victory over Monroe Township in a losers' bracket game Saturday. Eaise's hit highlighted a wild seventh, during which Monroe Township erased a four-run deficit with five runs to take an 8-7 lead before Mount Ephraim rallied. Winning pitcher Wade Gies, who got the final two outs in the top of the inning, singled to score Matt Roland, who led off the bottom of the seventh with a double, to tie it. Following back-to-back walks, Eaise hit the game-winner. Gies had two hits and four RBIs to go along with the win, preserving a stellar effort by teammate Pat Tassi, who hurled the first six innings...
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source PhillyHistory Blog By Erica Stefanovich In the late 1880s, 9th and Fitzwater was outside of the plan for Philadelphia. Not included in William Penn's original outline for his city, the neighborhood sprang up quite by accident. Antonio Palumbo built his boarding house there, and received an influx of immigrants looking for work in the developing city. As the community grew they began to open up stores along 9th Street until it took on an appearance not dissimilar to what one finds in the same neighborhood today. Some of the many stores included butchers, cheese shops, cook ware stores, and the vast variety of goods one might find in a European outdoor market. There was nothing that the new immigrant could not purchase on 9th Street. Several shops survive to this day in a vibrant market that is the oldest and largest of its kind in the United States. Even...
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Joseph R. Manfredi, age 83, passed away on July 20, 2007. Age 83. Of the West Collingswood Heights Section of Haddon Township. Formerly of South Camden. Loving Son of the late Louis and Theresa Manfredi (nee Palese). Surrounded, cared for and cherished by his wife of 65 years, Dorothy (nee Stone). Beloved father of Rox Anne Manfredi-Jones of Clarksboro. Beloved grandfather of Theresa Jones of Newfield. Dear Great-grandfather of Mark and Christopher Fiorella both of Newfield. Dear Brother of Frank Manfredi of Berlin. Loving Brother-In-Law of Gloria Beebe of Margate. Beloved Uncle of Tom Beebe. Joseph was born and raised in South Camden and has lived in West Collingswood Heights for the last 45 years. He worked as a steamfitter for Union Local # 322: Plumbers and Pipefitters in Winslow Township. Joseph was a 54 year devoted member of this Union and was very proud of his service. Relatives, friends...
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ALCOTT, STANLEY C., SR. On July 20, 2007, of Bellmawr, age 66. Beloved husband Joan D. (nee Carr). Loving father of Denise Theckston (Patrick), Sandra Sherlock (Gerald), Stanley Alcott, Jr. (Lisa Deoms) and Anthony Alcott (Jaclyn). Devoted grandfather of Patrick, Timothy, Lauren, Ryan, Drisa, Taylor, Zachary, Damian, Jessica and Camerine. Dear brother of Neal Alcott (Sue), Patricia Hagan (James) and thelate Rosalie Tiejien. Predeceased by his mother Pearl Alcott. Beloved son-in-law of William and Lillian Carr. Also survived by his brothers-in-law: Ralph Tiejien, David Carr, Robert Carr, William Carr, Jr. and Steven Carr (Carol) and many nieces and nephews. Mr. Alcott was a member of the Bellmawr Park Fire Co. and the Jersey Jaybirds Camping Club. There will be a viewing Sunday evening from 7 to 9pm and Monday morning from 9:15 to 10:15am at GARDNER FUNERAL HOME, RUNNEMEDE. Funeral Mass 11am Monday at Annunciation BVM Church, Bellmawr. Interment Private....
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Category: Obituaries John "Jack" D. Pyrah (photo) died on July 19, 2007 at the age of 88. A Gloucester City resident, he was cared for in his home by his loving wife of 50 years, Regina M. (nee Gorman). Loving father of Jack Pyrah of Belmar, William Van Tassel (late Venise) of Turner, Maine, John Van Tassel (Sue) of Richmond, Virginia and Patricia Johnson (James) of Haddonfield. Devoted grandfather of 9 and great-grandfather of 2. Survived by many in-laws, nieces, nephews and cousins. Mr. Pyrah was born in Germantown, PA, on August 11, 1918 to John and Jane Pyrah. He graduated from Germantown High School in 1937. He began a lifelong interest in Track and Field in 1934 after being taken to the Penn Relay Carnival by a favorite uncle. After falling in love with the aura surrounding the Relays he nurtured that interest in Track and Field. He received...
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Viewing on Monday Evening from 6 to 8 pm and Tuesday morning from 9 am to 10:30 am at Saint Mary's R.C. Church: 426 Monmouth Street, Gloucester City, NJ 08030. Mass of Christian Burial 10:30 am in the church. Interment New Saint Mary's Cemetery, Bellmawr. Donations to VCLUB: Jack Pyrah Memorial Fund: c/o Villanova University, Villanova, PA 19085-1674 Or Saint Vincent DePaul Society: 426 Monmouth Street, Gloucester City, NJ 08030. Please write in the memo of the check, Jack Pyrah. Online obituaries may be sent to the family through our funeral home website under online obituaries of John "Jack" Pyrah. See Stories McCann-Healey Funeral Home 851 Monmouth Street Gloucester City, NJ 08030 856-456-1142
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PLASKET, EDNA R. On July 18, 2007, at her home in Barrington. Born in Gloucester City, she lived in Barrington for 45 years. Survived by her husband George, her son, Joseph of AZ, and son George, Jr. of Philadelphia; also survived by seven grandchildren and her sister, Ethel C. Hodson of Wenonah, NJ. A Memorial Mass will be Saturday, July 21, 2007, at St. Francis DeSales Catholic Church Barrington at 10:00 am. In lieu of flowers memorial donations may be made in her name to the National Organization of Rare Diseases, 55 Knosia Ave., Box 1968, Danbury, CT 06813-1968.
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HOLDEN, CLARA B. (nee Bosler) On July 19, 2007 of Audubon, NJ age 100 yrs. She is predeceased by her husband Elmer Holden. Surviving are her children: Claire Spille, Elmer Holden and his wife Doris, Kay Hughes and her husband F. Russ Hughes; 10 grandchildren: Robert Spille, Jim Spille, Jo-Ann Rand, Claire Spille, Kathy Duet, Cheryl Scariano, Russ, Scott, Doug, and Kent Hughes; 13 great grandchildren: Katrina Mellott, Peter, Nicole and Kelley Rand, Stephen and Ryan Short, Sean, Colton and Logan Scariano, Robyn, Heidi, Adam, and Drew Hughes; also 2 great grandchildren: Chayse Rand and Dominique Campbell. Born in 1906, Mrs. Holden was a resident of Audubon for 57 years and was a member of the Archway Senior Center. Relatives and friends are invited to meet with the family on Saturday morning from 10:00 AM – 11:00AM at the HENRY FUNERAL HOME, 152 W. Atlantic Ave, Audubon, NJ. Funeral Service...
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Source Courier Post WASHINGTON, D.C. A South Jersey legislator, who in January praised an increased quota for summer flounder, on Thursday said a federal agency now wants to slash the allowed catch. U.S. Rep. Jim Saxton, R-N.J., demanded an explanation from the National Marine Fisheries Service, saying the change would hurt the recreational-fishing industry along the Jersey Shore. Saxton said the agency in December proposed a 2008 quota of 19.6 million pounds, but now is projecting a range of 11.6 million to 15.7 million pounds. "How is it possible for the scientific recommendation to change so significantly in seven months?" asked Saxton. "These are not good numbers, and they threaten our fishing industry."
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Ryan Payne of the Villanova Cross Country and Track andField Alumni Association announced that Jack Pyrah, of Gloucester City, has passed away. Payne said,"It is with great sadness that we announce today the passing of Jack Pyrah. Please keep his family in your prayers over the next few days. We will provide the funeral arrangements as soon as we receive them." Jack, spent 26 years as Villanova assistant track coach under legendary Villanova coach Jumbo Elliott. And 26 years as Villanova's head cross-country coach. 1981. Pyrah retired from Villanova in 1991 and is now considered Villanova "coach emeritus." Upon his retirement Villanova presented Jack a unique gift, the offer to accompany the Villanova track or cross-country teams to any meet in the country. Pyrah was honored on March 4 at the Villanova Syracuse basketball game. Jack , (picture), was inducted into the National Coaches Hall of Fame in December in...
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By Bruce Darrow On Thursday evening the Gloucester City 11 year old All-Stars traveled to Blackwood to play neighboring Audubon and lost 8-6 in a District 14 Semi-Final game. Gloucester's pitcher Chris Walmsley was given the duty to carry this team to the next round against the other Semi-Final winner Erial. Gloucester took a one run lead in the first and then through the next four innings matched Audubon run for run. In the fifth inning Gloucester's Ryan Zeigler entered to pitch in relief of Walmsley. Trailing 5-4, Zeigler worked a scoreless fifth inning and went to the mound in the sixth still down one run. Audubon in the sixth plated two runs after several Gloucester defensive miscues, when a line drive bounced off the glove of diving second baseman James Burkhardt and into rightfield Audubon scored two more to entered the last of the sixth with an 8 to...
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