NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Former City Councilman Mike Dunkirk Needs Your Help
Upset With DARE program Being Suspended

Mount Ephraim School District News


Mrs. Judy O'Donnell and the Mt. Ephraim School District would like to thank Mr. Lloyd Black for volunteering his time, several times throughout the year, to share his knowledge of Comets,  Galaxies,  Moon phases,  Planetarium/Sun spots, the Solar system and Stars with our 6th graders. Mr. Black is an adjunct professor of Astronomy at Rowan University and a member of the Willingboro Astronomical Society




The Mount Ephraim School Administration, Teachers, parents and students send their congrations and best wishes to the following employees who retired this June. They include:  Mrs. Barbara Helms, Mrs. Christine Rendell, Mrs. Wendy Fischer and Mrs. Dorothy Kozmosky.



