NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia
« May 2007 |
| July 2007 »
Donald A. Roeder on June 30, 2007. Age 70. Of Stone Harbor. Formerly of Haddon Heights. Loving husband of 39 years to Marie R. Devoted father of Donald (Rose) of West Chester, PA, Carl of Philadelphia, PA and James (Carol) of Swedesboro. Dear Brother of James, Stanley and Barbara Lewis. Beloved grandfather of Andria, Miriam and Regina. Donald worked as a surveyor at the American Dredging Company in Camden where he rose through the ranks and became President of the company. In 1992, he formed Roeder Associated Inc., a consulting firm to dredging companies. Relatives, friends and all former co-workers are kindly invited to attend his viewing on Friday from 10 am to 12:15 pm at Saint Rose of Lima R.C. Church: 4th Avenue at Kings Highway, Haddon Heights. Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated 12:30 pm in the church. Interment Calvary Cemetery, Cherry Hill. There will be no...
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A Funeral Mass was held at Holy Maternity RC Church, Audubon, for Anna T. O'Brien, 79, of W. Collingswood Heights, formerly of Laurel Springs, who died June 23. Devoted mother of Michael (Karen), Carol Robeson (Joe Jones), Dennis (Donna), Janet Kern (Mark), Jean Valleley (Scott), Jim (Lisa), Kelly Welsh (Mike), and Dan. Beloved sister of Thomas Lauer. Dear friend of Bunny and Charlie Corson. Loving grandmother of 14; great grandmother of 9 and 2 step grandchildren. Interment was in Gate of Heaven Cemetery, Berlin.
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A Memorial Mass was held in Saint Patrick's Church, Woodbury, for Mary McGroarty, 80, of Deptford, who died June 23. Mrs. McGroarty was a long time resident of Gloucester City and Deptford. She was schooled in Ireland and graduated from Saint Mary's and Gloucester Catholic High School, and Saint Francis School of Nursing, Trenton and was a surgical nurse. Mary and John founded and owned McGroarty's News Agency and Auto & Truck Center, Gloucester City, for over 30 years. Beloved wife of the late John; mother of the late Jim. Survived by her two sons Robert (Amy) of Pitman; Gerald (Lisa) of Glassboro; two daughters, Joan of Blackwood and Peggy (Joe) of Deptford; seven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren; also her brother Joseph Murphy and sister Fran Murphy Lafferty.
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On June 29, 2007, (nee Bess) of Thorofare, formerly long time resident of Gloucester City NJ. Age 83 yrs. Beloved wife of the late Howard H. Baile. Loving mother of Ronald Baile and his wife Gwenne of Westmont, Melissa Baile of Rock Hall, MD, and Dayl Baile and his wife Linda of Gloucester City. She was the devoted grandmother of Christopher Baile, Kenneth Flowers, Lorna Thompson and Samantha Baile. She is also survived by her dear sister in law Beatrice Hannold and nephew Wayne Hannold. She was predeceased by all 5 of her brothers and sisters, but still has many loving nieces and nephews in Australia. Mrs. Baile was born in Queensland Australia June 25, 1924. She was a dress maker by trade and had worked as a riveter on an Army base in Australia during WW II. She met and married Howard H. Baile of Gloucester City and traveled...
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After reading the news story "Pickets Demonstrate at Soldier's Funeral", I am compelled to write a letter of condemnation to all those who would desecrate the burial service of and American service member. The family of PFC David Bentz deserves much more than a trio of ranting and mean-spirited religious thugs spewing out their personal hatred. The Westwood Baptist Church and its Pastor, Rev. Fred Phelps have made it their personal mission to destroy the dignity and solemnity of funerals services for our fallen heroes and they are, indeed, shameful and un-scriptural. see story Regardless of one's position on the war, when America embarks upon a course of action, it behooves ALL Americans to get behind the cause. The brave men and women of our Armed Services honor our country by obeying the orders given them by the Commander-In-Chief. When a soldier or sailor pays the ultimate sacrifice for our...
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Bill, I see that Bobby Bevan and the boys seem to make on your site quite a bit. I hope that you can squeeze this in as well. Post the pictures if you would like, I sent you a few to get pop's best side....oh he doesn't have one, it is the Tedesco curse!! boat: "TOMMY T" place: Little Torch Key, Florida Captain: Tom Tedesco first mate/ co-captain: Tim Tedesco Mate: Donna Tedesco (Tim's wife) Fishing for the day: Dr. Tommy "Murt" and Elaine Murtaugh of Manahawkin, NJ It was a friendly trip so the fishing order was quite loose. The day was flat and hot, which allowed Capt. Tom to get the boat on the fish. After driving for a little over an hour we got to the grounds. We were 45 mile off the coast of Little Torch and 45 mile off the coast of Cuba. The water...
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Hunting does not usually make news unless there is an accident or a protest. It is important to note that millions of hunters go out into the woods or fields of their favorite stomping ground and come home at the end of each day with nary a scratch. Accidents do occur while hunting, and will occur so long as those participating in the activity are human. In an effort to reduce these accidents New Jersey requires prospective hunters to take part in an extensive hunter education course. The course is free, informative, and can be taken in three main categories: Shotgun, Rifle/Muzzleloader, and Archery. In New Jersey, The hunter education program is completed in two parts. There is a home study portion that is to be completed in full before you can move to the second part of the education. This home study portion includes watching a video, reading the...
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Photo by Jonathan Wells A soldier salutes the grieving family of US Army PFC David J.Bentz as they leave his funeral in Clayton on Friday. By Stephanie Brown and Jessica Driscoll [email protected] CLAYTON -- Three people singing and carrying signs that read "Pray for more dead soldiers" and "America is doomed" were drowned out by a group of veterans who shouted the Pledge of Allegiance here Friday morning. The pickets were positioned across the street from the Clayton Post Office at Delsea Drive and Costill Avenue, far enough away from St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church that those attending the funeral for Army Pvt. David J. Bentz III couldn't see or hear them. Ten helmeted police officers, members of the Gloucester County Emergency Response Team, stood around the trio, members of the Westboro Baptist Church from Topeka, Kans., who have chosen to protest at funerals of fallen GIs to object...
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On June 28, 2007. Age 70. (nee Stauffer) Of Barrington, Formerly of Gloucester City and National Park. Loving and devoted wife of 49 years to William H. Clements. Beloved mother of David Clements of Lindenwold, Kathleen Clements of Shamong Township, Colleen Roque (Jaime) of Lindenwold and the late John W. Clements. Survived by 6 sisters, 1 brother and predeceased by one brother. Survived by many nieces, nephews and cousins. Ruth was raised in National Park where she met her husband at the Red Bank Battlefield. She was a longtime resident of Gloucester City and was a very active member of the (former First United Methodist Church of Gloucester City) presently Trinity United Methodist Church in Gloucester City. Ruth and William have lived in Barrington for the last 2 years. Relatives and friends are kindly invited to attend her viewing on Tuesday from 10 am to 12 Noon at McCANN-HEALEY FUNERAL...
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PRIEST, THOMAS G., SR. On June 27, 2007, Thomas G., Sr., age 92, passed away at his home in Audubon. Born and raised in Stratford and Magnolia, Mr. Priest had been a resident of Audubon for the past 67 years. Mr. Priest was a 1934 graduate of Haddon Heights High School and a longtime parishioner of St. Rose of Lima Parish. He worked for Curtis Publishing Company in Philadelphia and he retired as the head of the maintenance department for the Audubon School System. Thomas was prede-ceased by his beloved wife, Helen Bernice (nee Olsen). He is lovingly survived by his son, Thomas G. Priest, Jr. of Houston, TX; his daughter, Marilyn P. Senior-Gartmann of Manahawkin; five grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Funeral services and interment will be held privately at the request of his family. Arrangements by: HEALEY FUNERAL HOME, Haddon Heights.
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CLAYTON An added police presence is expected to be on hand at a local soldier's funeral Friday due to a fundamentalist Christian group's plans to demonstrate during the viewing. Bentz, 20, was killed in Iraq last week of wounds suffered when an improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle. Mass of Christian Burial is scheduled for noon at St. Catherine of Siena Church in Clayton. Visitation at the church will begin at 9 a.m. and end at Mass time. Interment is at Gloucester County Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Williamstown. more More stories on PFC Bentz
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Pfc. David J. Bentz came home last Friday. He'll be laid to rest this Friday. "DJ" Bentz died in Baghdad last Wednesday, just more than a month after he deployed and about a month-and-a-half shy of his expected return date. Bentz and three other soldiers -- Maj. Sid W. Brookshire of Missouri, Staff Sgt. Darren P. Hubbell of Georgia and Spc. Joe G. Charfauros Jr. of Mariana Islands -- were killed when an improvised explosive device, or IED, detonated near the vehicle Bentz was driving, the Department of Defense announced Monday. The soldiers were assigned to 1st Battalion, 64th Armor Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division at Fort Stewart, Ga. When Bentz deployed, he went first to Germany, then to Kuwait. Bentz was supposed to be in Kuwait for about a month, but was sent to Iraq after a week. He drove soldiers to clear IEDs and rocket-propelled...
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Bill and Judy Gross, sitting on left celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary recently with family and friends at The Pub in Pennsauken. By the way that handsome couple on the right is Bob "Dece" Dacierno and his wife Jane............... Congratulations! Bill and Judy (Andreas) Gross along with "Dece" graduated from GCHS class of 1963 .....
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submitted by Gary M
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Gloucester City Fire Chief Brian Hagan released the following information today about a chemical fire that occurred yesterday, June 26, at Amspec Chemical. Information about the fire came from a resident who was riding by and saw the fire engines. She submitted a news tip with a photo. If you see something happening send your report to [email protected] and we will investigate it. Also if you have a camera phone take a photo. Thank you. Chief Hagan's report reads as follows: SITUATION: Reported Fire at Amspec Chemical, 7 51 Water St., Gloucester City, NJ. Initial reports from location indicate a clean up contractor is operating at the scene removing sodium from a vessel in a containment area. While still limited to the containment area the sodium is reacting with the moisture in the air causing it to sporadically ignite. There are no reported injuries and the incident is limited to...
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Dear Mr.Cleary, In the most recent edition of the Gloucester City News there was an article about the Mt.Ephraim 5th grade graduation ofthe DARE program. Congratulations to them! Now, are you aware of the fact that our DARE program has been suspended for the Saint Mary's school children? This program has had a positive influence on our children. The police presence in our school has been a positive one and we would like to see that continue throughout the years. A little back ground on our current situation. Officer Driscoll was coming in on Wednesday's meeting with the 6, 7, and 8th graders of our school. Sometime in late May while trying to schedule the annual DARE dance and closing celeberations our school was informed that Officer Driscoll had been put on night work and we assumed we no longer had DARE. This upset our school very much. Our faculty,...
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Mrs. Judy O'Donnell and the Mt. Ephraim School District would like to thank Mr. Lloyd Black for volunteering his time, several times throughout the year, to share his knowledge of Comets, Galaxies, Moon phases, Planetarium/Sun spots, the Solar system and Stars with our 6th graders. Mr. Black is an adjunct professor of Astronomy at Rowan University and a member of the Willingboro Astronomical Society. **************************************************************************************************************************** BEST WISHES The Mount Ephraim School Administration, Teachers, parents and students send their congrations and best wishes to the following employees who retired this June. They include: Mrs. Barbara Helms, Mrs. Christine Rendell, Mrs. Wendy Fischer and Mrs. Dorothy Kozmosky.
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Mike Dunkirk, a Gloucester City Councilman in the 1980's is in need of a medical heart procedure that is not covered by his health insurance carrier. His family is reaching out to his friends in Gloucester City to send a donation to help pay for the high medical costs. Mike was active in Gloucester City for many years before being transferred to Virginia by his employer. The following letter is written by one of his daughters, Kelly Dunkirk. "Thirty-three years ago I became the luckiest girl on earth when I was blessed in having Mike Dunkirk for a father. My father is the best man I know. He worked relentlessly to provide a good life for his family. He treats strangers like friends and will go out of his way to help anyone he meets. My father was a councilman in Gloucester City. He was a volunteer firefighter, a member...
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"Members of the Gloucester City Alumni Association are extremely proud to announce our association awarded scholarships totalling $7,500 to ten graduates of the Class of 2007 at the recent "Awards Luncheon". We know everyone joins us in extending "best wishes" to the recipients." The Scholarships were awarded to the following: Thomas Uibel $1,000, Jonathan Beres $1,000, Eva Petersen $1000, Nick Wright $1000, Kristi Bobo $1000. Also, Kristen Wright $500, Erika Wadsworth $500, Christen Mason $500, Sal Russo $500, and Kelly Cerrone $500
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Here's Today's Joke: Why did the Dachshund bite the woman's ankle? Because he couldn't reach any higher. ********************************* No owner likes to get a call from the pound telling them that their dog has been picked up for roaming the streets, but even the best trained dog can escape and end up in places where it shouldn't be. In many towns you can find yourself in legal trouble if your dog is found to be wandering the streets. And quite rightly so as a dog on the loose can do quite a lot of damage to other people's property, pets, children and elderly folk. Dogs that generally try to escape from their property are usually those that have not been trained or are bored. Boredom is most often the case, and giving your dog suitable stimulation to ensure that he/she remains contented on the property can prevent this. This can...
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Suddenly, On June 21, 2007. Age 65. Of Gloucester City. Loving cousin of the late Marlene Jean Adams and Lucy DiChurch. Survived by cousins and her devoted friends at Friendly’s Restaurant in Wenonah, Glassboro and the Deptford Mall. Vivian was a longtime resident of Gloucester City. Vivian started her career at Friendly’s Restaurant in the Deptford Mall as a prep person in 1993. Vivian later worked at the Friendly’s in Wenonah and recently worked between there and the Friendly’s in Glassboro. She was a hard worker who was loved by all her co-workers and will be missed. Relatives, friends and co-workers are kindly invited to attend her viewing on Friday morning from 8:15 to 9:15 am the McCANN-HEALEY FUNERAL HOME: 851 Monmouth Street (at Brown Street) Gloucester City. Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated 10 am at Sacred Heart R.C. Church: Black Horse Pike (at Kings Highway) Mount Ephraim....
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from the desk of a Computer Service Tech A woman customer called the Canon help desk with a problem with her printer. Tech support: Are you running it under windows? Customer: "No, my desk is next to the door, but that is a good point. The man sitting in the cubicle next to me is under a window, and his printer is working fine." One more......Tech support: "Okay Bob, let's press the control and escape keys at the same time. That brings up a task list in the middle of the screen. Now type the letter "P" to bring up the Program Manager." Customer: I don't have a P. Tech support: On your keyboard, Bob. Customer: What do you mean? Tech support: "P".....on your keyboard, Bob. Customer: I'M NOT GOING TO DO THAT! The last one......The local priest came across Paddy who had stumbled out of the town tavern. "Paddy,"...
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Hello Bill, I just got home from doing errands and happened to drive down Market St. towards King. There was a tow truck removing two vehicles from the parking lot you wrote about yesterday (Kotter brothers). Once again, your reporting has made a difference for the citizens of Gloucester!!! see Story Thank you so much for all the time and energy you put into "Cleary's Blog." It is exciting to have so much conversation, debates, and positives results going on in town as a result of your hard work. Please continue with your exceptional work!! With respect and gratitude, An Appreciative Citizen Note from Bill: People often ask; " why do you spend so much of your time working on that web site? After all you are suppose to be retired. " Your kind words explain the reason. Thank you.
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On June 21, 2007, age 74, of Cherry Hill, and Avalon, NJ, and a dentist in Gloucester City for over 30 years. He is survived by his beloved wife, JoAnne (nee Ware), his son, Thomas A., Jr. (Heather) of Cinnaminson, his daughter Sandra L. Dromgoole (Charles) of Gloucester Twp., 2 grandchildren, Devin Patrick and Molly Erin Dromgoole, his granddog, Lulu and his sister, Patricia Baer of West Deptford. Dr. Cunningham graduated from Woodbury HS. He received his B.S. from Rutgers University and his D.D.S. from Univ. of Pennsylvania. He was a member of the American Dental and NJ Dental Associations. He served in the U.S. Navy as a 2nd Lieutenant and was a member of the American Legion Post 281 in Gloucester Twp. Dr. Cunningham's family will receive friends on Wednesday, from 10:00-10:45 AM, at Grace Episcopal Church, 19 E. Kings Hwy., Haddon-field, NJ 08033. His Service will follow at...
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Pictured: from left, Scott Bevan, Ken MacAdams, Jim Coppola, Tim Stevens, Captain Bob Bevan standing. BAD START-----GREAT ENDING........Departure time was logged for 5:30 AM, Saturday, June 16th. The crew’s 35-mile trip to the “shark grounds” was one man short. Ken MacAdams phoned from his cell to say he blew a tire on Route 55 in Glassboro and doesn’t know how to use a lug wrench. State Police helped Ken and he is on his way. One hour later leaving the dock, the crew hears a loud “bang”; turned out to be nothing but a broken spark plug. We have a spare and we are on our way. Drop bang stick overboard ($200) lost. Fish for five hours and Mr. Marko shows up. At 2 PM Scott hooks up and with teamwork, we land a 120 lb. Mako. Two hours later, “Old Boy” Tim Stevens hooks up and once again great...
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The Gloucester City Construction Code/Housing Office has found a new home at Monmouth Street and the railroad. Those departments will be moving from the Police Administration Building at 313 Monmouth Street into the former County Health Station trailer that sits along side of the Train Station Depot. It will be a month or more before the building will be ready for occupancy. Counters have to be built, equipment and files have to be packed and moved. Plus the building needs to be wired for computer terminals and phones. This past Saturday Joe Stecklair , left and John Stiefel, who are normally out and about inspecting construction sites and rental properties , were instead volunteering their time to make renovations to the office building. Stecklair is very excited about the move. "There will be more room. "I can't wait. Where we are now is just too small," said Stecklair. The city...
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DOBLEMAN, JOSEPH A., SR. On June 21, 2007, Age 59 of Gloucester City, formerly of Mt. Ephraim, NJ. Devoted father of Nancy M.(Geoff) Cox, and Joseph A. Jr. (Debbie). Loving grand father of Samantha, Marissa, Dana, Devin, Ryan. Dear brother of William, Edward, David, Mark and the late John, Elizabeth, and Richard. Also mother of his children Rose Dobleman. Dear uncle of 21 nieces and nephews especially, Tina, John and Nikolas. Relatives and friends are kindly invited to attend his viwing Tuesday from 9:30 am until 11am at the MAHAFFEY-MILANO FUNERAL HOME 11 E. Kings Hwy. Mt. Ephraim, NJ PH: 856-931-1628. Funeral service on Tuesday 11:00 am at the funeral home. Interment Eglington Cemetery, Clarksboro, NJ. Family request in lieu of flowers donnations may be sent to: Expression of sympathy and condolences may be sent to www.milanofuneral
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DENBO, JUDITH (nee Ziff) June 23, 2007, of Haddon Twp., NJ. Wife of Maurice Denbo. Mother of Jeffrey (Carol) Denbo and Leslie (Earl) Ott. Sister of Dolores Ziff and Faith Weiner. Grandmother of Abigail Denbo, Rachel Denbo, Kelli Johnson and Michael Johnson. Relatives and friends are invited to graveside services Sunday at 10:30 am at Crescent Memorial Park, (Sec. G) in Pennsauken, NJ. The family will return to the late residence and respectfully request contributions in her memory be made to Cong. M'Kor Shalom, 850 Evesham Rd., Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 or the Kidney Foundation, 325 Chestnut St., Phila., PA 19106.
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CONN, STEPHEN W. On June 20, 2007, age 64, of Westmont, (formerly of South Philadelphia). Loving husband of Terry (nee Cautilli) Conn. Devoted father of Michele Bishop, Jennifer DeStefano (Joseph) and Stephanie Turck (Timothy). Beloved brother of Diane Radzavage. Also survived by 10 grandchildren; Helena, Ashley, Michele, Stephanie, Joseph, Hannah, Mary, Timmy, Domenic, and Christian. Steve proudly served in the US Navy. He became a Philadelphia Police Officer in 1969, and later worked in Phila. District Attorney's Office, retiring as Acting Chief of the Complaints Unit in 1996. He was a longtime member of the Phila. F.O.P #5. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the Funeral Mass, Monday 11am at the Church of the Holy Saviour, 50 Emerald Ave, Westmont, where a viewing will be held from 9:30am til time of Mass. Interment Sts. Peter & Paul Cemetery, Springfield, PA. The family requests memorial contributions to Samaritan Hospice,5 Eves...
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Paul Combs Editorial Cartoons
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Richard Kotter, of the 400-unit block Market Street, Gloucester City, is upset over the City owned parking lot at the corner of 5th and Market. The lot abuts his mother’s well-maintained residential property that extends the full length of the parking lot. It is also situated close to the future site of the School District’s Middle School Photo: Richard Kotter points out the graffiti on the new fence he and his brother erected, click to enlarge. During the school year, the lot is used by the students who attend Gloucester Catholic High School for parking. The lot was once the site of the Quaker Food store and the former Sand Bar. The City tore down the properties in the 1980's, paved it with asphalt, and put up an 8-foot high cyclone fence. Kotter said on Saturday, “that was the last time we saw the City.” He continued, “the fence has...
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The male alumni from Tucker's Corner, Powell's, Pine House, Augie's Pool Room, Gords, Cerrone's Luncheonette, The Venice, Crown Point, Dick Lees, Wayne's Log Cabin, Sand Bar, Sports Corner etc. get together for breakfast each month for breakfast. NOTE: a change has been made the group will now meet the last Saturday of the month beginning in July. The time has also been changed to 9 AM. The next meeting will be July 28th at the Dining Car Depot, Monmouth Street, Gloucester City. Present at the June 23rd meeting: Bill Cleary, Geoge Cleary, Bill Yeager, Bill Ritchie, Bill Gross, Bob Bevan, Ken MacAdams, Frank DeFelice, Walt Hall, Chalie Pitzo, Frank Grandizio, Len Lacovara, Ron Raube and Joe DiGiacomo. Present at the May 26th meeting: Ron Raube, Jim Blymer, Geo Cleary, Bill Cleary, Chalie Tourtual, Joe Boulden, Joe DiGiacomo, Chalie Pitzo, Bill Wimby Yeager, Frank DeFelice, Walt Hall, Ron Villanova, Joe Miller,...
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HACK Scott Michael Suddenly, On June 21, 2007. Age 29. Of Mount Ephraim. Formerly of Audubon. Loving and devoted father of Skyla Mae Ellenbark-Hack of Deptford. Beloved Son of Kathy R. Hack (nee Frank) of Mount Ephraim (Ron Gonzales) and Joseph P. Hack, Sr. of Florida. Dear Grandson of the late Bernard D. Frank and Hazel Ruth (nee Laute). Devoted brother of Michelle Meade (nee Hack) (Daniel) of Philadelphia, Joseph P. Hack, Jr. of Mount Ephraim, Andrea Gonzales of Collingswood and Andrew Gonzales of Mount Ephraim. Loving uncle of Danny, Riley, Kylee and Anthony. Scott attended Audubon High School and resided in Audubon. He recently lived in Mount Ephraim and has worked as an account executive for Maxum Expo Services, LLC. Since 2003, Scott worked very hard for Maxum Expo which is owned by his cousins, Peggy and Joe Maxwell. Scott liked to travel and absolutely cherished his time with...
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Commentary By Hank F. Miller Jr. (Hank is a former resident of Gloucester City who lives in Japan) Here's a Tip! You don't deserve one, pal. The only woman who has ever chased me was a willowy Japanese waitress who trailed me half a block from her restaurant door."Sir, "she panted, "I'm sorry...but you forgot your change!"Oh...So I waltzed off 100 yen richer. About 93 cents. Mean while the waitress got-besides 40 meters of exercise-was my sincere gratitude. Speed up the clock and tilt the world, and lo and behold this past week we were on our way in transit at the air port in San Francisco, California, I found myself chased again ... this time by a waiter. "Sir!" he wheezed. He held my bill in his hand."I'm sorry...but your tip was insufficient!" Now-the truth be known-sometimes I do stretch facts. And when that gets dull, at other times...
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The Philly Bridge....... Walt Whitman Bridge connects South Philadelphia to Gloucester City, New Jersey, across the Delaware River. Photos from Eye Captain -
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Success in sports can be measured in many ways. Wins and losses, standings, improvement, and a wide range of various statistics help us. At Rider University, the successful 2006-2007 academic school year is being measured by grade point average. During the spring of 2007, the semester grade point average for all Rider student-athletes was a best-ever 3.04, compared to the 2.96 grade point average for Rider’s non-student-athlete population. 55 percent of Rider’s student-athletes received a 3.0 or better grade point average and 14 of the 20 squads had a team grade point average at 3.00 or above. “We are extremely proud of the academic performance of our teams,” said Don Harnum, Rider Director of Athletics. “It is a credit to our coaches for recruiting quality student-athletes, to the efforts of the students, and a testament to the dedication of everyone involved in the area of academic support at Rider.” Rider’s...
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Gloucester County (Old), founded in 1686 and once including within its boundaries the present Atlantic and Camden Counties, is unique in that it is an outstanding Agricultural, Industrial and Residential Area. Farming in all of its phases is highly established and developed. The raising of fruit, farm vegetables, and poultry, the dairy industry, the breeding of cattle, hogs, and other livestock, the existence of modern year-round canneries, quick freezing establishments and nearby markets all go far to make Gloucester County one of the chief food producing sections of our State and of our Country. Hand in hand with agriculture, the County possesses some of the largest industries of the East. Modern plants of small and great proportions steadily employing thousands of our citizens, today are contributing in a major way to the prosperity of our Municipalities, County, State, and Nation. Such a combination of Agriculture and Industry, together with the...
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Walter Borton of Pitman has been a fisherman for 12 years. His father taught him how to fish in the ocean surf. But Borton enjoys the challenge of fishing the freshwater lakes near his home. "It's relaxing, that's the biggest thing, and it's peaceful," said Borton, 35. "I take my boat out sometimes and all you hear are birds and the wind whistling through the trees. I've went at all times of the day to fish and you'll find every lake is unique. The fish feed at different times and you have to experiment with different types of bait to catch them. "I got my dad to go lake fishing with me, but he didn't see the point because it's more to relax than to eat what you catch." But there is one type of freshwater fish that Borton always eats when he catches it - trout. source Philadelphia Inquirer...
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Dear Mr. Cleary and Residents of Gloucester City, I am writing this letter in response to last week's letter written by a fellow board member. There were some inaccuracies, which I would like to clarify. I was appointed to the Gloucester City Board of Health earlier in the year. In response to several complaints I received regarding the Almost Home Animal Shelter in Pennsauken, I went to investigate. Being that this shelter receives an annual stipend from the city of Gloucester City for services as the designated recipient of stray and abused animals. I felt it was my duty, as a member of the Board, to ensure that our tax dollars are being spent effectively. Unfortunately, my enthusiasm for being involved and helping to improve our city has been misconstrued. I have never claimed to be the spokesperson for the Gloucester City Board of Health. Although the Board did not...
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SANTORO, SALVATORE On June 15, 2007, Salvatore Santoro, age 82 of Blackwood, formerly of Audubon. Born in Philadelphia, Mr. Santoro was one of 8 children. He is survived by his brother, Albert Santoro and his 3 sisters, Elizabeth Bencevenga, Gloria Bell and Violet Belfatto. Loving Husband, Father, Grandfather and friend. Salvatore was the beloved husband of the late, Helen (Ellinia) C. Santoro (nee Lamanea). He is the loving father of Jennie Marie Santoro of Lindenwold, Helena Marie Corsello of Gloucester, Salvatore Dominic Santoro of Audubon, Frank Anthony Santoro of Blackwood, Donna Rose Meeker of Port Charlotte, FL and Barbara Santoro of Blackwood. He is the loving grandfather of Tina Draper, the late Victor Corsello, Anthony Corsello, Tonya Mendoza, Renee Lee, Teia Santoro, Franco Santoro,Shabree Meeker, Craig Meeker, Jessica Santoro, Thomas Pitts, Shawn Meeker, Christina Meeker and Frank Santoro. He is the Great Grandfather of Steven, Michael, Angelique, Dominic, David, Jennifer,...
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PLUMMER, RUSSELL C. On June 16, 2007, age 89 of Pennsauken NJ his entire life. Dear brother of Leslie Plummer of Mt. Ephraim and the late Herbert Dallas Plummer. Also survived by many nieces & nephews. Mr.Plummer was a WW II Army Veteran. Relatives and friends of the family are kindly invited to attend his Visitation Tuesday 10-11AM at the FUNERAL HOME OF INGLESBY & SONS, 2426 Cove Road. Pennsauken NJ 08109. Funeral Service 11AM. Interment Bethel Memorial Park. In lieu of flowers donations in his memory to the charity of your choice preferred. For additional information, condolences and directions please visit www.inglesbyfuneral
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DOUGHERTY, THERESA G. (Nee Campbell), 94, of Bellmawr, formerly of Philadelphia, peacefully at St. Mary's Nursing Home on June 15, 2007. Beloved wife of the late Thomas F. Dougherty. Loving mother of Thomas J. of New York, NY, Michael of Bellmawr, NJ and Theresa (Raymond) McConnell of Westerly, RI. Caring sister of George E. Campbell and Madeline Soroka. Proud grandmother of 7 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren. Relatives and friends are invited to attend her Life Celebration, Wednesday, 8:00 to 9:30 AM at the CIECHANOWSKI FUNERAL HOME, 1100 N. Black Horse Pike, Runnemede. Mass of Christian Burial will follow 10:00 AM at BVM Annunciation Church in Bellmawr. Interment New Saint Mary's Cemetery. Memorial contributions in Theresa's memory can be made to St. Mary's Auxiliary, 210 St. Mary's Drive, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003.
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Dog Quote: They have dog food for constipated dogs. If your dog is constipated, why screw up a good thing? Stay indoors and let 'em bloat! ....David Letterman ********************************* Jumping on People By Alan No matter how much we might enjoy our pet jumping up to greet us, there are many people who dislike having a strange dog coming up and jumping on them. For many people it can be a frightening experience as not everyone is a dog lover. Besides that, many people just don't want dirty paw marks over their clothing. It can also create major problems if a large dog were to jump up on a child or an elderly person. Dogs will generally jump up on people because they are overly excited and pleased to see them – even if that person is a stranger. Many people inadvertently encourage this behavior by rewarding the dog with...
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Q: I've heard that cardiovascular exercise can prolong life; is this true? A: Your heart is only good for so many beats, and that's it... don't waste them on exercise. Everything wears out eventually. Speeding up your heart will not make you live longer; that's like saying you can extend the life of your car by driving it faster. Want to live longer? Take a Nap. Q: Should I cut down on meat and eat more fruits and vegetables? A: You must grasp logistical efficiencies. What does a cow eat? Hay and corn. And what are these? Vegetables. So a steak is nothing more than an efficient mechanism of delivering vegetables to your system. Need grain? Eat chicken. Beef is also a good source of field grass (green leafy vegetable). And a pork chop can give you 100% of your recommended daily allowance of vegetable products. Q: Should I reduce...
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UNITED STATES COAST GUARD SEAMAN SCOTT J. SCARPINATO has graduated from the Coast Guard Training Center in Cape May. Seaman Scarpinato will be stationed on the Coast Guard Cutter Blackberry on Oak Island, N.C. Formerly of Franklinville, Seaman Scarpinato is the son of Victor and Diane Scarpinato and brother of Niki. He is a 2003 graduate of Woodstown High School. AIR NATIONAL GUARD AIRMAN 1ST CLASS DAVID J. HEITMAN has graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. HEITMAN During the six weeks of training, the airman studied the Air Force mission, organization and military customs and courtesies, performed drill and ceremony marches and received physical training, rifle marksmanship, field training exercises and special training in human relations. In addition, airmen who complete basic training earn credits toward an associate degree through the Community College of the Air Force. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph...
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PISCATAWAY, N.J. – Rutgers junior All-American shortstop Todd Frazier (Toms River, N.J.) was named a First Team All-American by Baseball America, the organization announced today. Frazier was one of 15 named to the first team. Frazier was selected by the Cincinnati Reds with the 34th overall pick in the Major League Baseball First Year Player Draft last Thursday. Earlier this week, Frazier was named the National Collegiate Baseball Writers Association of America District II Player of the Year. Frazier, also a semifinalist for the Brooks Wallace National Player of the Year Award, was one of nine District of the Year players from around the nation. In addition, Frazier was named a First Team All-American by both Collegiate Baseball and last week. The shortstop painted himself throughout the Rutgers record book, finishing in the top-6 in every single-season offensive category, excluding triples. Frazier broke the Rutgers single-season record for home...
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By Bill Cleary The recent gossip on the street circulating through our city is interesting enough to share so here goes. According to the "grapevine" a petition was being circulated to have Joe Rafferty (Superintendent of Mt. Ephraim Schools) to be hired to replace outgoing Gloucester City Superintendent Mary Stansky. However because of an Abbott's nepotism rule, Rafferty is ineligible for the job. He has two sisters employed in the City School system. Can anyone explain why that is a factor in running a school system? Can you believe the state legislators actually passed such a rule? Most of them have hired their relatives to work on their staff. We have only to point to former Senator Wayne Bryant as a good example, no need to say more. Speaking of the new school superintendent, the Gloucester City School Board will be interviewing candidates for that job in the High School...
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WENDLER Helen F.-On June 15, 2007. Age 83. (nee Molt). Of Brooklawn. Formerly of Gloucester City. Loving wife of 55 years to the late Robert O. Wendler. Devoted and caring mother of Lynn A. Johnsen and husband Greg of Brooklawn. Beloved grandmother of Derek and Tyler both of Brooklawn. Helen was raised and lived in Gloucester City. She was a resident of Brooklawn for the last 53 years. Relatives and friends are kindly invited to attend her viewing on Tuesday morning from 9 am to 10 am at the McCANN-HEALEY FUNERAL HOME: 851 Monmouth Street, Gloucester City. Methodist Religious Service 10 am in the funeral home officiated by Pastor Gary Brennan of Westville United Methodist Church. Interment Lakeview Memorial Park, Cinnaminson. There will be no evening viewing. Family requests that memorial donations be made in Helen's memory to Spirit of Hope Lutheran Church: 74 East Kings Highway, Mount Ephraim, NJ...
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A little boy wanted $100.00 very badly and prayed for weeks, but nothing happened. Then he decided to write God a letter requesting the $100.00 When The postal authorities received the letter to God, USA , they decided to send it to the President. The president was so amused that he instructed his secretary to send the little boy a $5.00 bill. The president thought this would appear to be a lot of money to a little boy. The little boy was delighted with the $5.00 bill and sat down to write a thank-you note to God, which read: Dear God: Thank you very much for sending the money. However, I noticed that for some reason you sent it through Washington, DC., and those @#$% deducted $95.00 in taxes.
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