The Start Of Something New For Gloucester City
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Gloucester City Council Reorganization Meeting Thursday Jan. 4; New Era of Government Will Begin
By Bill Cleary
Gloucester City Council reorganization meeting will be held on Thursday, January 4 at 7:30 p.m. followed by the regular meeting at 8 p.m. in council chambers, 313 Monmouth Street. At 7:15 p.m. a brief sine die meeting will begin the evening.
Prior to the start of the reorganization meeting the newly elected Independent Democrat slate will be administered the oath of office. To be sworn into office will be Mayor
William James, Councilman Nicholas Marchese (2nd Ward) and Councilman Jay Brophy
(3rd Ward) along with incumbent Democrat William Hagan ( 1st Ward). In November the James ticket defeated Democrat mayor candidate Patrick Keating, incumbent councilman Raymond Coxe and newcomer David Pollander.
Pictured from left Nick Marchese, Bill James and Jay Brophy. To the far right is incumbent Councilman William Hagan.
The following is a list of upcoming vacancies on various boards: Board of Health –
(Appointed by council) three-three year terms and one alternate for two year term. Those presently holding the positions are: Anne Harter, Roseann Michel, and for alternate Michael Walters. Also Board Solicitor held now by Barry Beran, Esquire.
Historic Preservation Commission (mayor appointments)- alternate-Class C, two-year term, member; Class A, four-year term, along with two-four year vacancies. Those presently holding the positions respectively are Sally Green and David Munn.
Planning Board members (mayor appointments) there are seven positions to be named. Those holding the positions: James Rauchut, Edward Gorman, Walter W. Jost, Ralph Randolph, Michael Smollock, Charles Kain and one vacant seat. Along with a council member to be named by the governing body. Also Board Solicitor held now by Anthony Costa. Board engineers presently Remington and Vernick and Melvin Kernan.
Library Board of Trustees (mayor appointment) with advice and consent of council. One member and an alternate for mayor. Presently held by Barbara Moody and Joanne B. Gurick.
Enterprise Zone Corporation-Board of Directors (two vacancies).
Additional appointments all for one year terms: city physician, (Dr. Chas. Brennan); auditor, (Nick Petronie & Associates); city solicitor, (M. James Maley Jr.); city engineer, (Edward Vernick); prosecutor of municipal court, (Paul Dougherty Esq.); public defender, (Chas. Wigginton Esq.); Commissioner-CCJIF) Patrick Keating/Paul Kain (alt); Fair Housing Officer (Eric Fetterolf); Risk Management Coordinator (Commerce National); Animal Control/Shelter Services (Community Animal Services).
Mayor appointments to council committees- Police, Fire, Finance/Administrator, Public Works, Housing, Licensing, Celebrations.
Some professional positions up for appointment: City Administrator (Paul Kain); Municipal Judge (J.R. Powell); Tax Assessor (John Dymond) eligible for tenure after four years of service and reappointment; Tax Collector (Joanne Marone) eligible for tenure upon re-appointment after four consecutive years of service.
Also the City has been advertising for proposals for professional services, not subject for biding for a City Risk Management Consultant and Grants Application and Management Consultant.