NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Holiday contest winners
City Council report

Come on Gloucester City PD it's the 21st century


(The following paragraph is from the  Mt. Ephraim Police Department's web site.)   "Abandoned vehicles are an eye sore and can pose a danger to the community.    The Mount Ephraim Police Department is committed to keeping our streets and   properties clear of them.  If you happen to come across an abandoned   vehicle throughout the borough, please let us know about it by completing and   submitting the form below.  Please fill in as much information as   possible." read more

Audubon Police Department Borough Ordinance for Abandoned/Junk vehicles 287-1 .....             JUNK AUTOMOBILE- Any automobile which is no longer in actual use as a motor vehicle or which is unfit for use in highway or roadway transportation, will be considered a junk vehicle.

read more

Bill's Comment- Cheers to the Audubon Police Department, Brooklawn Police Department and the Mount Ephraim Police Department .

All three have programs in place urging the public to report abandon vehicles sitting on properties. You go to their web sites and there is a form for the public to fill out to report this blight.

But not here in Gloucester City, Dscf3572 police are too busy. We are told to call the Housing Code Enforcement Office if the abandon car is sitting on a property. The City police only get involved when the vehicle is parked on the street.

In August I brought two vehicles to the attention of the City police along with the Housing Code Office, one is shown above. The two broken down vehicles have been sitting on the property for over two years. We all remember what happened in Camden when three children got struck inside the  trunk of a broken down car. 

Four months have passed and the vehicles are still sitting in the same property on St. John Street.

Three weeks ago I followed up on the problem and spoke to someone in the Housing office and he told me his office is working on it.

Maybe sometime next year someone will find the time to enforce the city ordinance.

Why not have the police do the job. It is as simple as putting a form on the Police Department's web site to make it easy for the public to report these eyesores. Why is Gloucester City so slow in catching up with the computer age?

As far as I know a police officer is the only person authorized to look up a vin number in the state computer to see if the car is registered or stolen. If I am correct then the Housing Code Office has to take that information to the Police Department, they (the police) then check the computer to find out who the car belongs too.

No wonder it takes four months to have two broken down eyesores removed from a nice neighborhood.

Come on Gloucester City catch up with the surrounding communities. The internet is a wonderful instrument all you have to do is learn how to use it.

If I can develop a web site in just four months without any formal education; I can't imagine what someone could do who is trained properly. If you need help with your web site I'll volunteer. For Free!
